Encouraging Future Generations: A Forward-thinking Start

Founded in 2023 and guided by the visionary leadership of Shri. Lallan Tiwari with assistance from Shri. Rahul Tiwari, the Shree L. R. Tiwari Degree College of Arts, Commerce and Science (SLRTDC) have grown from modest beginnings to become an exceptional establishment. The goal of RAHUL EDUCATION, an organization with over 100 educational institutions under its umbrella that is committed to offering educational services from pre-primary to professional education, has served as the direction for this journey.

Aim and Objectives of SLRTDC Alumni Association:

The SLRTDC Alumni Association is committed to achieving the following objectives:

  1. Promote Networking: We at SLRTDC provide graduates with networking opportunities so they can connect with one another for both career and personal advancement.
  2. Promote alumni engagement: By encouraging the alumnus to get involved in the activities that the school hosts and by developing ways to keep them updated on news, accomplishments, and changes pertaining to the university.
  3. Contribute to Institutional Advancement: Urge former students to support the college financially by making donations, hosting fundraising activities, or creating endowments. Create plans to boost the institution’s standing and encourage expansion.
  4. Boost Alumni Relations: Create and preserve a good support between the institution and its alumni and also to get input from former students to learn about their requirements and expectations.
  5. Honor accomplishments: Celebrate and honor alumni accomplishments across a range of disciplines by emphasizing their accomplishments to motivate present students and in still pride in former students.
  6. Lifelong Learning: Encourage alumni to pursue further education and skill development opportunities and plan workshops, webinars, or seminars on subjects that alumni might find interesting.
  7. Effective Communication: Using newsletters, social media, and other avenues, keep in regular contact with alumni by informing them about significant occasions, programs, and announcements from the institution and university.
  8. Create a Robust Alumni Network: The college strives to establish a strong, vibrant alumni network that crosses geographical and industry boundaries. The college also urges former students to maintain relationships with both the institution and amongst one another.

Embark on the Excellence Journey

All graduates, students, and well-wishers are cordially invited to collaborate with the SLRTDC alumni association in order to accomplish these admirable goals. Together, we will keep empowering future generations, enhancing educational opportunities, and leaving a legacy of greatness that will benefit our country and society at large.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Activity:Practical Training
Activity level:All the Department

Self Defence Techniques


Organized by:Women’s Development and Gender Sensitization Cell and Sports Committee
Venue:Room 102, Old Building, Shree L.R. Tiwari College Campus

23rd September 2021


Time:8:30 am
Objective of event:

●       To promote safety awareness and personal security by educating students about potential risks and providing them with the skills to protect themselves, fostering a sense of security.

●       To instill a sense of self-reliance and the ability to respond effectively to threats or dangerous situations, enabling female students to be more independent and self-assured in their daily life.


Expected Outcomes of event:

●       Participants will gain practical knowledge and skill in self-defence techniques, leading to increased confidence, personal safety, and the ability to protect themselves in potentially risky situations.


Targeted Participants:Students of all departments.
Total Participants:11(offline) And 89 (online)
Resource Person:

Ms Jyoti Singh, National Award Winner in Shotokam Karate


Methodology used:

Hybrid Mode


Supportive DocumentsClick Here 
Activity level:All Department
Title:Anubhav-The Best Guru
Organized by:Bachelor of Management Studies Department in Collaboration with Alumni Association
Venue: Shree L.R. Tiwari College Auditorium
Date:29thNovember, 2021
Time:11:30 am
Objective of event: ●       To guide the students about various scenario they will face after graduating ●       To make students aware about the opportunities available after BMS
Expected Outcomes of event: ●     The student will understand the market competition and prepare themselves accordingly ●     Participants will acquire actionable insights to lead change effectively and foster organizational agility. ●     Attendees will develop communication strategies to inspire teams and navigate resistance during periods of change.
Targeted Participants:Students of all Department
Total Participants:93
Resource Person:Mr. Sanchit Verma (Alumni of BMS Department)
Methodology used:PowerPoint Presentation, Interactive Lecture
Supportive Documents Click Here
Activity level:Seminar
Title:Anubhav The Best Guru-Music Production
Organized by:BAMMC in collaboration with Alumni Association
Venue:Class room no.111, College Campus, Shree L.R Tiwari Degree College of Engineering
Objective of event:
  • To give sufficient knowledge and to introduce the students with Music Production.
  • To offer students valuable insights into the music production industry, including current trends, best practices, and career opportunities.
Expected Outcomes  of event :
  • Students connect with industry professionals, peers, and alumni, potentially leading to mentorship, collaboration, and job opportunities in the future.
  • Discussions and brainstorming sessions can stimulate creativity and innovation, leading to new ideas and projects.
Targeted Participants :Student of all Department
Objective of event:
  • To give sufficient knowledge and to introduce the students with Music Production.
  • To offer students valuable insights into the music production industry, including current trends, best practices, and career opportunities.
Total Participants:35
Resource Person:Mr. JoneshJangila (Music Producer)
Methodology used:
  • Presentation
  • Discussion
Supportive Documents Click Here


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Activity level:Inter-departmental
Title:Carpe- Diem
Organized by:Shree L R Tiwari Degree college
Venue: College Premises
Date:6-1-2023 to 7-1-2023
Objective of event:
  • To call back their old memories of college

·      To explore the Colours of India with our learners and participants. .

Expected Outcomes  of event :
  • Alumni enjoyed the event with full zest.
  •  They still  felt as aprt of college.
Targeted Participants :Student  and Alumni of all Department
Total Participants:9
Resource Person:
Methodology used:
Supportive DocumentsClick Here
Activity level:Inter-departmental
Title:Alumni guest Lecture
Organized by:BSc. HS
Venue:Room no. 504
Date:6-1-2023 to 7-1-2023
Objective of event:
  • To prepare students for formal interview.

·      To explain the need of good communication.

Expected Outcomes  of event :
  • Students were motivated by Alumni lecture
  • Student were well informed about importance of good communication.
Targeted Participants :Student of BSc. Hs Department
Total Participants: 
Resource Person:Alumni Mr.abhinav Singh
Methodology used:Motivational lecture
Supportive DocumentsClick Here
Activity:Interactive Session
Activity level:Inter departmental
Title:Anubhav – “The Best Guru
Organized by:BMS in collaboration with Alumni Of various department like BBI, BAF & BCOM
Venue:Auditorium, Shree L. R. Tiwari Degree College
Date:18th March 2023
Objective of event:· The purpose of this seminar is to inform  students regarding different aspects of college, lectures, internship, placements, entrepreneurship and many more.
Expected Outcomes of event:
  • Students will understand the importance of Lectures, Internship.
  • Students will understand the importance of Internship, Placement, Starting their own venture And many more for their career growth.
Targeted Participants:F.Y, S.Y, T.Y
Total Participants:66
Host of the seminar:The students of TYBMS
Methodology used:
  1. Powerpoint presentation.
  2. Presentation with notes and comments.
  3. Discussion
Supportive DocumentsClick Here


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Activity level:Inter Department
Title: Alumni Interaction & Orientation Session by Jupiter Finserve
Organized by:Training and Placement Cell
Venue:College premises
Objective of event:
  • To  improve Skills and Qualifications for successful career .


Expected Outcomes  of event :
  • Students were motivated by Alumni lecture
  • Student were well informed about caerer prospects.
Targeted Participants :Student of allDepartment
Total Participants:71
Resource Person: Mr Jigyasu Tiwari Mr. VivekChaurasia, Mr,Kalpesh Yadav( Alumni)
Methodology used:Motivational lecture
Supportive DocumentsClick Here
Activity level:Inter Department
Title: Develop your skills
Organized by:Alumni Association & DLLE
Venue:College premises
Objective of event:
  • To  navigating personal and professional growth


Expected Outcomes  of event :
  • Students were motivated by Alumni lecture
  • Student were  able to develop their skills.
Targeted Participants :Student of allDepartment
Total Participants:37
Resource Person: Ms Rashmi Jha( Alumni)
Methodology used:Motivational lecture
Supportive DocumentsClick Here
Activity:Extension Activity
Activity level:DLLE Intra college Activity
Title:Navigating Personal and Professional growth: Identifying and developing your skills
Organized by:D.L.L.E. Committee in Collaboration with Alumni Committee
Venue:Room No.502 New Building
Date:23rd December 2023
Time:10:30 am – 12:30 p.m.
Objective of event:
  • To offer participants a comprehensive understanding of how to navigate and balance personal and professional development.
  • ·  To help students recognize and cultivate the key skills necessary for success in both academic and professional settings.
Expected Outcomes of event 

· Participants will gain practical insights into personal and professional growth strategies, enabling them to apply these concepts in their own lives.

· Students will identify the skills they need to develop further and understand how these skills can be applied in real-world scenarios.

· The event will strengthen the relationship between the DLLE community and its alumni, fostering a supportive network for future collaboration.


Targeted Participants:Exclusive for skill development extension students
Total Participants:40
Resource Person:Ms. Rashmi Jha (Alumni)
Methodology used:Power Point Presentation, Seminar
Supportive DocumentsClick Here