Unfair Means & RTI Cell

The college has a strict policy on academic misconduct. Exams are aimed at improved learning to motivate students for better performance and to provide a balanced and fair evaluation of each student. Resorting to unfair means practice in examinations is a punishable offence apart from being viewed as disrespectful towards the college and an unacceptable behavior towards sincere fellow candidates.
The malpractices in examination are dealt by the college as per the Maharashtra ACT XXXI of 1982 and procedures and guidelines issued by University Of Mumbai Notifications(Ordinance .5050).
Aim of the Committee

  • To set an inquiry behind the purpose of resorting to unfair means during examinations by following the procedure and guidelines issued by University of Mumbai.

Objectives of the Committee

  • To investigate the cases of unfair means during examinations.
  • To conduct unbiased investigation against any unfair means case.
  • To recommend action/s to the Principal regarding unfair cases
  • To be unbiased and maintain honesty and transparency regarding any unfair means cases.
  • To maintain overall discipline while dealing with unfair means practices in examinations in the college.PROCEDURE FOR INVESTIGATION IN CASE OF MALPRACTICES
  1. A student who is caught talking in the classroom during the examination, possession of any electronic equipment(s)/mobile/smartwatch or is found resorting to any of the acts listed below will be treated as the case of use of unfair means.
  2. The Junior Supervisor/Block Supervisor shall prepare a report about the use of unfair means resorted by the student and the student will also prepare and submit his/her statement in the format prescribed. The JS/BS shall take away the original answer book of the student and shall issue the new answer book to the student and submit original answer sheet separately to the Senior Supervisor. The Senior Supervisor shall forward the answer books, his report along with the report of the JS, undertaking and Statement of the Student in a separate sealed envelope to the Chief Conductor who shall hand over the envelope to the Chairperson of the Unfair Means Inquiry Committee with due acknowledgement.
  3. The candidate may be served a show cause notice and made aware of the charges/allegations reported against him to prepare his/her defence at the time of his/her appearance before the Unfair Means Inquiry Committee and informing him/her thereby, of the proposed action to be taken in his/her case with a request to reply to the show cause notice as to why the action proposed under it should not be taken against him/her.
  4. The student may submit his/her defence in writing to the committee before or during the meeting. The reply received by the Committee from the candidate when he/she appears before it and the oral submissions/clarifications given by the student, will be considered by the Committee and the committee shall submit its final recommendation i.e. findings to the Principal based on the evidence before the committee.
  5. The punishment finally awarded can be equal to or less than what is mentioned in the show cause notice, but not more than what is mentioned therein.
  6. The College Unfair Means Inquiry Committee is a recommendatory body. The Principal has to exercise his/her power U/S 87 of the Mumbai University Act, 1974 and issue final order.

The Broad Categories of Unfair means Resorted to by Students at the University/College/Institution Examinations and the Quantum of Punishment for each category thereof as per the rules, an Unfair Means Inquiry Committee is constituted by the college. The Committee is authorized to take disciplinary action for resorting to malpractices during examination conducted by the college.

DECLARATION UNDER Section 4(1) (b) of Right to Information Act, 2005
Shree L. R. Tiwari Degree College of Arts, Commerce and Science is a “College of co-education”, which is affiliated to University of Mumbai, Maharashtra. It runs as per rules and regulations made by the Government from time to time. The College comes partially under Self Finance category. The College has different Bodies to maintain all types of disciplines in the campus.
Information under Section4 (1) (b) of RTI Act 2005 are open for the public and it can be obtained by a citizen of India. The applications under the RTI Act along with a postal order/demand draft for Rs. 10.00 obtained in favour of Principal, Shree L. R. Tiwari College of Arts and Commerce and Science Mira road, may be sent to the Public Information Officer (PIO) or handed over in his office along with a written request about information to be sought about the college. The reason for seeking information need not be given. For more details provisions of the Act can be seen on the website.

Officers In College as per RTI Act, 2005

Dr. Sanjay G. Mishra
Mr. Nitin Jadhav
Office Superintendent
Mrs. Poonam Singh
Head Clerk
Email –
Email – slrtdc@rahuleducation.comEmail –

AY 2024-25

Activity:Unfair Means and Inquiry Committee
Activity level:For Students
Title:Building a Culture of Honesty: Awareness on Exam Misconduct
Organized by:Unfair Means and Inquiry Committee
Venue:Seminar Hall
Date:7th& 8thOctober,2024
Time:11.00 AM
Objective of event:
  • To Promote integrity by educating students on the importance of academic honesty behaviour during exams.
  • To reduce exam misconduct by creating awareness about the consequences of cheating and other unethical practices.
  • To foster a transparent academic environment through regular discussion and workshop maintaining honesty in assessment.
Expected Outcomes of event 
  • Students gained a clear understanding of exam misconduct and its detrimental effects on both individual reputation and the institution.
  • Heightened awareness of college’s strict disciplinary actions, encouraging stronger adherence to academic integrity.
  • The event fostered a cultural pd personal accountability, motivating students to adopt ethical behaviour and uphold honesty as a guiding principle in academics and beyond.
Targeted Participants:Students
Total Participants:351
Resource Person:· Dr. Nusrat Choudhary · Asst. Prof. Neha Kulkarni
Methodology used:PPT
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