Women Development and Gender Sensitization Cell

Women empowerment and gender equality are the most important requirements for the enlistment and progress of our nation. In an effort to make SLRTDC a strong kernel of gender sensitization, the Women Development Cell (WDC) was constituted in November 2018 and is operating under the able convenor ship of Dr. Sanjay G. Mishra. The Cell has both the faculty and students of the College as its members and works with an aim to create a gender-sensitized community within the campus as well as in the society. It has been organising varied academic, technical, medical, cultural and social events for the upliftment of women and spread the real importance of gender equality in the society through the College students.


  • Living in a patriarchal society with deep rooted and socio-cultural values of male superiority, the objective of the Cell is to help build an egalitarian society.
  • Helping female students live a balanced life where they neither lurk into depression nor take the abode of aggression.
  • To stress upon the development of women in every sphere.
  • To organize events and activities for women empowerment.
  • To create an environment that will help women realize their full potential and give their best.


Moulding and enlightening the young minds and paving their way to grow into balanced and better human beings.


  • To encourage female students to be self-reliant and economically independent.
  • To instill positive self-esteem and confidence in the female students so that they can take the right decision in and for-their lives.
  • Spreading awareness among the students about the social, legal and constitutional rights of women in order to prevent the exploitation based on gender.
  • Making females cognizant about different kinds of violence – sexual, physical and mental – to further equip them with the knowledge and strength to fight against them.
  • Creating awareness about the need for gender equality.
  • Providing equal career opportunities to all the genders.
  • Eliminating deep rooted beliefs of gender bias and discrimination.

The WDC believes in empowerment of girl students. The cell encourages the students to develop into confident individuals.

Department Motto: Creating Awareness on issues of gender disparity and helping the boys and girls, men and women of the college to work together and acquire knowledge in the most stimulative and socially healthy environment.

A.Y. 2018-19




Non -Technical

Activity level:

All Departments


Orientation Programme

Organized by:

Women Development and Gender Sensitization


College campus


20th August 2018


10:00 AM Onwards

Objective of event:

●        The primary goal is to increase awareness on the relevance of women’s advancement and gender sensitization within the community.

●        To foster the concept of gender equality and provide men and women with the resources they need to actively participate in attaining it.

●        Participants will learn about gender-related legislation and policies, women’s rights, and the legal recourse available to victims of abuse and discrimination based on gender.

Expected Outcomes  of event :

●        After completing the programme, participants ought to have a greater understanding of gender-related issues and how they affect society, which should result in more knowledgeable and sympathetic viewpoints.

●        With a deeper comprehension of the legal system relevant to gender issues, participants should feel empowered to seek justice and encourage others to do the same.

Targeted Participants :


Total Participants:


Resource Person:

Dr. Gita Chhada (Chairperson, WDC, University of Mumbai)

Methodology used:


Powerpoint presentation

Presentation with notes and comments.

Supportive Documents

●        Seminar Report

Activity:Non -Technical
Activity level:All Departments
Title:Orientation Programme
Organized by:Women Development and Gender Sensitization
Venue:College campus
Date:20th August 2018
Time:10:00 AM Onwards
Objective of event:

●        The primary goal is to increase awareness on the relevance of women’s advancement and gender sensitization within the community.

●        To foster the concept of gender equality and provide men and women with the resources they need to actively participate in attaining it.

●        Participants will learn about gender-related legislation and policies, women’s rights, and the legal recourse available to victims of abuse and discrimination based on gender.

Expected Outcomes  of event :

●        After completing the programme, participants ought to have a greater understanding of gender-related issues and how they affect society, which should result in more knowledgeable and sympathetic viewpoints.

●        With a deeper comprehension of the legal system relevant to gender issues, participants should feel empowered to seek justice and encourage others to do the same.

Targeted Participants :FY
Total Participants:93
Resource Person:Dr. Gita Chhada (Chairperson, WDC, University of Mumbai)
Methodology used:


Powerpoint presentation

Presentation with notes and comments.

Supportive Documents●        Seminar Report




Non -Technical

Activity level:

All Department Girls 


Grooming Session 

Organized by:

Women Development and Gender Sensitization


College campus Seminar Hall


25th August 2018


9:00 AM 

Objective of event:

  • Participants should be taught the value of self-care and overall wellbeing, with a focus on mental, emotional, and physical health.
  • Promote individual development and self-awareness while motivating participants to establish and meet their own objectives.
  • Encourage healthy body image and body positivity while dispelling myths and encouraging self-acceptance.

Expected Outcomes  of event :

  • After completing the programme, participants ought to feel more confident and better able to take on new tasks.
  • Students should grow personally and gain more confidence in their ability to establish and achieve personal goals.
  • In order to promote participants’ physical and mental health, the programme should emphasise self-care and well-being.

Targeted Participants :


Total Participants:


Resource Person:

Miss. Tini Singh (P&G, Mumbai)

Methodology used:


Powerpoint presentation

Product knowledge 

Supportive Documents




Non -Technical 

Activity level:

All Department


Pre-Marriage Counseling

Organized by:

Women Development and Gender Sensitization


College campus 


25th October 2018


10:30 am 

Objective of event:

  • Encourage the formation of relationships based on equality, respect, and shared responsibilities.
  • Raise awareness about gender issues and promote gender equality within the relationship.
  • Improve communication skills to foster openness and transparency in the relationship.


Outcomes of event :

  • More equal and courteous partnerships, where both parties share responsibilities and decision-making, should emerge from the counseling.
  • By questioning gender norms and preconceptions, the counseling should encourage more gender equality in relationships.
  • Participants should have a clearer understanding of their legal rights and responsibilities within the marriage.


Participants :





Resource Person:

Ms. Sai Lele (President of Bhartiya Stree Shakti, Thane)

Methodology used:


Powerpoint presentation

Presentation with notes and comments. 

Supportive Documents




Non -Technical 

Activity level:

All Department


Poster Making Competition

Organized by:

Women Development and Gender Sensitization


College campus 


2nd November 2018


10: 00 am 

Objective of event:

  • To raise awareness of sexual harassment, the dowry system, and the value of protecting girls from harm in society.
  • Give people a forum to use art to communicate their opinions and views on these important gender-related topics.
  • Participants should be encouraged to use their artistic abilities to advance gender equality and become change agents.


Outcomes of event :

  • A selection of strong and original artworks that may be utilized to spread vital messages about these concerns should be the outcome of the competition.
  • While they voice their concerns and urge others to take up these gender-related issues, participants will gain advocacy skills.


Participants :





Resource Person:


Methodology used:

Posters ,chart paper 

Supportive Documents




Non -Technical

Activity level:

All Department girls 


My Way Session

Organized by:

Women Development and Gender Sensitization


College campus


22nd November 2018


9:00 AM Onwards

Objective of event:

  • Empower girls in developing self-awareness by helping them recognise their assets, liabilities, and passions.
  • Promote personal growth, including resilience, self-worth, and confidence.
  • Encourage knowledge and awareness of gender-related problems and difficulties.

Expected Outcomes  of event :

  • Participants ought to know more about their interests, shortcomings, and strengths.
  • By the end of the session, students ought to feel more confident and worthy of respect.
  • Increased sensitivity to and knowledge of gender-related issues, as well as a dedication to the advancement of gender equality.

Targeted Participants :


Total Participants:


Resource Person:

Miss. Tinni Singh (P&G, Mumbai)

Methodology used:


Powerpoint presentation

Presentation with notes and comments. 

Supportive Documents

Activity:Non -Technical
Activity level:All Department

Diet and Nutrition

Organized by:Women Development and Gender Sensitization
Venue:College campus

23rd February 2019

Time:9: 00 am Onwards
Objective of event:

●        To spread awareness among women and underrepresented gender groups of the value of a healthy, balanced diet and appropriate nutrition for general health and wellbeing.

●        To increase knowledge of the dangers of malnutrition and offer preventative measures, especially for women and children.

●        To inform participants about food factors to take into account when going through different phases of life, including menopause, nursing, and pregnancy.


Outcomes of event:

●        When participants make wiser food choices and adopt healthier dietary habits, their nutrition and overall health should improve.

●        The program should lower rates of malnutrition, particularly among women and children, by raising awareness and educating people.






Resource Person:

Dr. SeemaBhalerao (Rizvi College of Hotel & Tourism Management, Bandra, Mumbai)

Methodology used:


PowerPoint presentation

Presentation with notes and comments.

Supportive Documents●        Seminar Report




Non -Technical 

Activity level:

All Department


Women Empowerment through Law

Organized by:

Women Development and Gender Sensitization


College campus 


12th March 2019


9: 00 am Onwards

Objective of event:

  • To promote a deeper understanding of the laws pertaining to gender equality by raising awareness among women and other marginalized gender groups of their legal rights and safeguards.
  • Giving women the tools and information, they need to assert their legal rights and speak up for others as well as themselves.
  • To inform participants on the legal safeguards against and remedies available for discrimination and violence based on gender.


Outcomes of event :

  • After attending, participants must feel more empowered legally and know their rights and how to use them.
  • Women should leave the programme with advocacy skills so they can speak out against prejudice and promote gender equality.


Participants :





Resource Person:

Adv. Shweta Chaturvedi (Shree L.R.Tiwari College of Law, Mumbai)

Methodology used:


Powerpoint presentation

Presentation with notes and comments. 

Supportive Documents

A.Y. 2019-20




Seminar orientation

Activity level:

Girls of all the departments


Orientation programme by Women Development Cell

Organized by:

Women’s Development Cell 


Shree LR Tiwari Degree College Campus


23rd July, 2019



Objective of event:

  • To provide a comprehensive understanding of the Women Development Cell’s role and functioning within the college.
  • To emphasize the significance of educating and empowering women and also promoting awareness on hygiene and safety.

Expected Outcomes of event:

  • Participants will recognize the importance of educating women and how it contributes to their empowerment, as well as the role that the Women Development Cell plays in promoting such education.
  • Attendees will develop an increased awareness of hygiene and safety issues faced by women and understand the responsibility of the Women Development Cell in addressing and advocating for these concerns.
  • The orientation program will foster a sense of commitment among committee members and participants to actively contribute to the well-being and development of women within the college community.

Targeted Participants:

FY, SY and TY girl students

Total Participants:


Resource Person:


Methodology used:

  • PowerPoint presentation

Supportive Documents

Activity:Seminar orientation
Activity level: Girls of all the departments
Title:Orientation programme by Women Development Cell
Organized by:Women’s Development Cell 
Venue:Shree LR Tiwari Degree College Campus
Date:23rd July, 2019
Objective of event:
  • To provide a comprehensive understanding of the Women Development Cell’s role and functioning within the college.
  • To emphasize the significance of educating and empowering women and also promoting awareness on hygiene and safety.
Expected Outcomes of event:
  • Participants will recognize the importance of educating women and how it contributes to their empowerment, as well as the role that the Women Development Cell plays in promoting such education.
  • Attendees will develop an increased awareness of hygiene and safety issues faced by women and understand the responsibility of the Women Development Cell in addressing and advocating for these concerns.
  • The orientation program will foster a sense of commitment among committee members and participants to actively contribute to the well-being and development of women within the college community.
Targeted Participants:FY, SY and TY girl students
Total Participants:105
Resource Person:NA
Methodology used:
  • PowerPoint presentation
Supportive Documents
Activity level:Girls of all the departments
Title:IMC: Health & Personal Care
Organized by:Women’s Development Cell
Venue:Shree LR Tiwari Degree College, Seminar hall.
Date:29th July, 2019
Time:09:00 am
Objective of event:

●        To educate female students about the vital role of maintaining excellent personal hygiene in ensuring overall health and well-being.

●        To emphasize on health & personal care and demonstrate how it can facilitate comprehensive cleanliness and support good health.

Expected Outcomes of event:

●        Students will acquire a deep understanding of the intrinsic link between personal hygiene and overall health, recognizing the importance of adopting and maintaining cleanliness in their daily routines.

●        The event will create awareness and engagement among students about the Women Development Cell’s initiatives to promote women’s health and personal care within the college community, fostering a sense of empowerment and self-care among the attendees.

Targeted Participants:FY, SY and TY girl students
Total Participants:91
Resource Person:Kishore Nair (Chairman Associates of IMC)
Methodology used:●        Group Discussion
Supportive Documents●        Seminar Report
Activity level:Girls of all the departments
Title:Make up, Hairstyle &Mehendi Event
Organized by:Women’s Development Cell
Venue:Shree LR Tiwari Degree College Campus
Date:30th August, 2019
Objective of event:

●        To provide a platform for female students to showcase their creativity and skills in makeup, hairstyle, and mehendi artistry

●        To promote self-expression and confidence among participants.

Expected Outcomes of event:

●        Participants will have the opportunity to express their creativity and talent in makeup, hairstyle, and mehendi art, gaining hands-on experience in these areas.

●        Students will build self-confidence and self-esteem as they showcase their skills, helping them feel more empowered and self-assured.

●        Attendees will gain valuable insights into personal grooming, makeup, hairstyle trends, and mehendi art, enhancing their knowledge of self-care and self-presentation.

Targeted Participants:FY and SY girl students
Total Participants:31
Resource Person:NA
Methodology used:●        Competition
Supportive Documents●        Seminar Report
Activity level:Girls of all the departments
Title:Oh Womaniya!
Organized by:Women’s Development Cell
Venue:Shree LR Tiwari Degree College Campus
Date:26th November 2019
Objective of event:

●        To provide a platform for female students to showcase their diverse talents and interests.

●        To celebrate the talent, creativity, and spirit of womanhood within the college community.

Expected Outcomes of event:

●        The ‘Oh Womaniya!’event will serve as an empowering platform, encouraging women to explore their talents, connect with peers, and celebrate the essence of womanhood.

●        Participants will have the opportunity to exhibit their talents and skills in various fields, including dancing, singing, acting, and fashion, enhancing their self-expression and self-confidence.

Targeted Participants:FY and SY girl students
Total Participants:81
Resource Person:NA
Methodology used:●        Competition
Supportive Documents●        Seminar Report

A.Y. 2020-21





Activity level:

All Department



Organized by:

Women Development and Gender Sensitization Cell


Virtual Platform


28th Jan 2021


1:00PM -2:00PM

Objective of event:

  • The major goal of the Women Development Cell’s “Saksham” event is to give participants a creative stage on which to display their artistic abilities and aptitudes in a variety of fields, including mehndi, nail art, hair styling, poster making, and other art forms. 
  • The purpose of the event is to encourage participant empowerment, self-expression, and their skills.

Expected Outcomes  of event :

  • Using mehndi, nail art, hair styling, poster design, and other artistic mediums, participants will be able to showcase their uniqueness and inventiveness.


  • By encouraging a culture of ongoing learning and development, the event will help participants hone their abilities in art-related fields.


  • Participants’ self-esteem and confidence will grow as a result of participating in artistic endeavours and exhibiting their work.


  • By honouring and showcasing a variety of artistic mediums, the event will help people recognize and value the richness of cultures and artistic styles.


  • Through promoting cooperation and networking with like-minded people, “Saksham” will help participants develop a feeling of community.


  • Encouraging women to pursue and succeed in a variety of endeavours, such as the arts, can contribute to their general empowerment

Targeted Participants :

Girls Students of First Year,Second Year and Third Year .(All Dept.)

Total Participants:


Resource Person:


Methodology used:


Group Discussion

Supportive Documents

Activity level:All Department
Organized by:Women Development and Gender Sensitization Cell
Venue:Virtual Platform
Date:28th Jan 2021
Time:1:00PM -2:00PM
Objective of event:

●        The major goal of the Women Development Cell’s “Saksham” event is to give participants a creative stage on which to display their artistic abilities and aptitudes in a variety of fields, including mehndi, nail art, hair styling, poster making, and other art forms.

●        The purpose of the event is to encourage participant empowerment, self-expression, and their skills.

Expected Outcomes  of event :

●        Using mehndi, nail art, hair styling, poster design, and other artistic mediums, participants will be able to showcase their uniqueness and inventiveness.


●        By encouraging a culture of ongoing learning and development, the event will help participants hone their abilities in art-related fields.


●        Participants’ self-esteem and confidence will grow as a result of participating in artistic endeavours and exhibiting their work.


●        By honouring and showcasing a variety of artistic mediums, the event will help people recognize and value the richness of cultures and artistic styles.


●        Through promoting cooperation and networking with like-minded people, “Saksham” will help participants develop a feeling of community.


●        Encouraging women to pursue and succeed in a variety of endeavours, such as the arts, can contribute to their general empowerment


Targeted Participants :Girls Students of First Year,Second Year and Third Year .(All Dept.)
Total Participants:26
Resource Person:NA
Methodology used:


Group Discussion

Supportive Documents●        Seminar Report
Activity level:All Department
Title:Self Defence program
Organized by:Women Development and Gender Sensitization Cell
Venue:Virtual Platform(Google Meet)
Date:27th  February 2021
Time:9:00AM -10:00AM
Objective of event:

●        With Mr. Virendra Agarwal, President of My Karate, serving as the resource person, the Women Development Cell’s main goal is to equip women with the knowledge and abilities needed to improve their own safety and self-assurance.

●        The purpose of the program is to provide attendees with awareness and useful self-defense skills to protect their safety.

Expected Outcomes  of event :

●        Self-defense Skills: The karate instructor will teach participants the fundamentals of self-defense, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to defend oneself in potentially hazardous circumstances.

●        Enhanced Confidence: Participants will feel more empowered and confident after learning self-defense techniques, which will have a good effect on their day-to-day life.

●        Awareness: By increasing their awareness of their surroundings and potential hazards, participants will be better equipped to take preventative action to keep themselves safe.

●        Personal Safety: By attending this program, attendees will gain more insight into how to react to potential dangers and make well-informed decisions regarding their own safety.

●        Physical Fitness: Self-defense and karate instruction will help individuals become more physically fit and encourage a healthy lifestyle.

●        Community Support: By fostering a sense of community among attendees, the event will enable

Targeted Participants :All the students of all department
Total Participants:220
Resource Person:Mr. Virendra Agarwal (President of My Karate)
Methodology used:


Group Discussion

Supportive Documents

●        Seminar Report

Activity level:All Department
Organized by:Women Development and Gender Sensitization Cell
Venue:Virtual Platform
Date:8 March 2021
Time:12:30PM -1:30PM
Objective of event:

●        The main goal of the Artistree event is to encourage understanding, conversation, and appreciation of gender equality and women’s empowerment.

●        The purpose of this event is to teach attendees about notable women in history, encourage them to discover their own female role models, and include them in thought-provoking discussions and feminism-related activities.

Expected Outcomes  of event :

●        Awareness and Understanding: Participants will acquire a more comprehensive comprehension of feminist ideas, the significance of gender parity, and the obstacles that women have traditionally encountered in a range of professions.

●        Empowerment: Participants will consider powerful women who have positively impacted society during the impromptu sessions on female role models. This will inspire them to aim high in their own life.


●        Inclusivity: By dispelling prejudices and misconceptions, the event promotes inclusivity and supports a variety of viewpoints on feminism.


●        Knowledge: The women’s history quiz questions will improve participants’ understanding of the contributions and achievements made by women throughout history.


●        Discussion and Dialogue: By promoting frank and helpful discourse, the feminism-focused group talks will assist participants in critically analyzing gender-related topics.

Targeted Participants :All students of All dept.
Total Participants:44
Resource Person:AfshaQuershi (Pilot)
Methodology used:


Group Discussion

Supportive Documents

●        Seminar Report


A.Y. 2021-22





Activity level:

All the Department 


Webinar on Gender Sensitization and Equality

Organized by:

Women’s Development and Gender Sensitization Cell 


Virtual Mode


14th August 2021


12:15 pm

Objective of event:

  • To create awareness about gender equality. 
  • To help students in examining personal attitude, beliefs and questioning the realities of both sexes.

Expected Outcomes of event:

  • Participants gained a deeper understanding of gender-related issues, stereotypes, and biases.
  • Attendees developed a more inclusive and empathetic attitude towards gender diversity and equality.

Targeted Participants:

All Students

Total Participants:


Resource Person:

Advocate Mahesh Kabra 

Methodology used:

  1. Webinar
  2. Powerpoint Presentation

Supportive Documents





Activity level:

All the Department 


Webinar on Gender Sensitization and Equality

Organized by:

Women’s Development and Gender Sensitization Cell 


Virtual Mode


14th August 2021


12:15 pm

Objective of event:

  • To create awareness about gender equality. 
  • To help students in examining personal attitude, beliefs and questioning the realities of both sexes.

Expected Outcomes of event:

  • Participants gained a deeper understanding of gender-related issues, stereotypes, and biases.
  • Attendees developed a more inclusive and empathetic attitude towards gender diversity and equality.

Targeted Participants:

All Students

Total Participants:


Resource Person:

Advocate Mahesh Kabra 

Methodology used:

  1. Webinar
  2. Powerpoint Presentation

Supportive Documents





Activity level:

All the Department 


Webinar on Acceptability of LGBTQ community post Supreme Court Verdict to decriminalize sec 377 

Organized by:

Women’s Development and Gender Sensitization Cell and Cultural Committee


Virtual Mode


6th September 2021


12:00 pm

Objective of event:

  • To educate and inform participants about the implication and significance of the Supreme Court’s verdict of decriminalizing section 377. 
  • To encourage women to become allies in the fight for LGBTQ rights.
  • To advocate for a more inclusive and accepting society for LGBTQ individuals 

Expected Outcomes of event:

  • Participants gain a better understanding of LGBTQ issues and the legal changes following the Section 377 verdict. 
  • The Webinar helped in promoting.

Targeted Participants:

Students from all department

Total Participants:


Resource Person:

Tinesh Chopade, Advocacy Manager (Humsafar Trust)

Methodology used:


  1. E-learning through Google meet as it an emerging methodology of modern education 

Supportive Documents

Activity:Practical Training
Activity level:All the Department

Self Defence Techniques

Organized by:Women’s Development and Gender Sensitization Cell and Sports Committee
Venue:Room 102, Old Building, Shree L.R. Tiwari College Campus

23rd September 2021

Time:8:30 am
Objective of event:

●        To promote safety awareness and personal security by educating students about potential risks and providing them with the skills to protect themselves, fostering a sense of security.

●        To instill a sense of self-reliance and the ability to respond effectively to threats or dangerous situations, enabling female students to be more independent and self-assured in their daily life.


Expected Outcomes of event:

●        Participants will gain practical knowledge and skill in self-defence techniques, leading to increased confidence, personal safety, and the ability to protect themselves in potentially risky situations.


Targeted Participants:Students of all departments.
Total Participants:11(offline) And 89 (online)
Resource Person:

Ms Jyoti Singh, National Award Winner in Shotokam Karate

Methodology used:

Hybrid Mode

Supportive Documents●        Seminar Report




Group Discussion

Activity level:

All the Department 


Liberate your voice 

Organized by:

Women’s Development and Gender Sensitization Cell 


Room 304, Old Building, Shree L.R. Tiwari College Campus


4th December 2021


12:00 pm

Objective of event:

  • To raise awareness amongst students about the prevalence of stereotypes and the impact of judgemental attitudes on women in society.”
  • To encourage attendees to reflect on their biases and stereotypes, promoting self-awareness and self-improvement to combat these prejudicious attitudes.

Expected Outcomes of event:

  • After the discussion students got to know what type of stereotypical advertisement Indian Media is portraying.
  • Students realized that brands till date portray such advertisements which needs to be questioned. 

Targeted Participants:

Students of all departments. 

Total Participants:


Resource Person:


Methodology used:

  1. Group Discussion

Supportive Documents





Activity level:

All the department 


Women Health Awareness (PCOD and PCOS)

Organized by:

Women’s Development and Gender Sensitization Cell 


Shree L.R. Tiwari College Campus


11th December 2022


10:00 am

Objective of event:

  • To discuss the issues related to women’s menstrual cycle. 
  • To discuss the lifestyle of the women and how these are affecting our monthly cycle.
  • To discuss PCOD and PCOS in technical language and how can we deal with it.

Expected Outcomes of event:

  • Girls get to know why they are facing problems in their monthly cycle.
  • Some solutions and precautions were also discussed by Dr. Vipin Checker…

Targeted Participants:

FY, SY and TY Girls students 

Total Participants:


Resource Person:

Dr Vipin Checker, MD DGO Mumbai 

Methodology used:


  1. PowerPoint Presentation

Supportive Documents





Activity level:

All the Department 


Play on “Pioneer of Women’s Education – Savitribai Phule” 

Organized by:

Women’s Development and Gender Sensitization Cell 


Shree L.R. Tiwari College Campus


3rd January 2022


Saturday, 11:00 am

Objective of event:

  • To enlighten the students with the life history of Women iconic figure “Savitribai Phule.”
  • To make the students aware of the value of education in today’s life.
  • To motivate the students, especially girls’ students on the struggling life of the “Savitribai Phule with the help of play.

Expected Outcomes of event:

  • Quick life view of Savitribai Phule and struggle which she faced for helping and fighting for girl’s education.
  • Benefits and opportunities received from the education system that they are availing now which was absent in the past era.

Targeted Participants:

FY students 

Total Participants:


Resource Person:


Methodology used:


  1. Play
  2. Motivational lecture

Supportive Documents




Speech and Slogan Making

Activity level:

Girls from all the Department 


WDC organizes a competition to celebrate International Women’s Day

Organized by:

Women’s Development and Gender Sensitization Cell 


Shree L.R. Tiwari College Campus


5th, March 2022


Saturday, 10:00 am

Objective of event:

  • To acknowledge the empowerment of women on global platform.
  • To celebrate International Women’s Day.
  • To motivate students with the stories of women achievers in the form of competition on “Freedom of Speech”.

Expected Outcomes of event:

  • Girls’ students who attended the competition learned about various personalities who worked hard and inspired the world to work more for the betterment of society.
  • Women working on national and international level are the real heroes and motivational forces for society and the world.

Targeted Participants:

FY and SY students 

Total Participants:


Resource Person:


Methodology used:

  1. Competition 
  2. Assessment

Supportive Documents

A.Y. 2022-23




Non -Technical 

Activity level:

All Department


Group Discussion on representation of LGBTQ Community in media 

Organized by:

Women Development and Gender Sensitization


College campus 


24th June 2022


11.00 am 

Objective of event:

  • Students’ acceptance of members of the LGBTQ community should be increased. 
  • To advance gender equality and empower women in a variety of areas.
  • To raise awareness about gender inequality and violence against women.
  • To confront societal preconceptions and attitudes that contribute to gender inequality.
  • Women’s engagement in social, economic, and political arenas should be increased.
  • To promote women’s leadership and decision-making in a variety of fields.
  • To advance women’s educational and career opportunities and rights.
  • To address concerns concerning the health and well-being of women.
  • To foster an environment that values women’s rights and dignity.


Outcomes of event :

  • Participants’ awareness and grasp of gender-related issues has grown.
  • Empathy and sensitivity to the experiences and struggles of women have improved.
  • Gender dialogue and cooperation has improved.
  • Women’s empowerment to demand their rights and take on leadership responsibilities.
  • Gender-based discrimination and violence have decreased.
  • Women’s representation in numerous sectors and decision-making roles has increased.
  • Gender-sensitive policies and practices are implemented in organizations and institutions.
  • Positive shifts in gender equality attitudes and behaviors


Participants :

S.Y., T.Y




Resource Person:


Methodology used:


Powerpoint presentation

Presentation with notes and comments. 

Supportive Documents




Non -Technical 

Activity level:

All Department


Group Discussion on representation of LGBTQ Community in media 

Organized by:

Women Development and Gender Sensitization


College campus 


24th June 2022


11.00 am 

Objective of event:

  • Students’ acceptance of members of the LGBTQ community should be increased. 
  • To advance gender equality and empower women in a variety of areas.
  • To raise awareness about gender inequality and violence against women.
  • To confront societal preconceptions and attitudes that contribute to gender inequality.
  • Women’s engagement in social, economic, and political arenas should be increased.
  • To promote women’s leadership and decision-making in a variety of fields.
  • To advance women’s educational and career opportunities and rights.
  • To address concerns concerning the health and well-being of women.
  • To foster an environment that values women’s rights and dignity.


Outcomes of event :

  • Participants’ awareness and grasp of gender-related issues has grown.
  • Empathy and sensitivity to the experiences and struggles of women have improved.
  • Gender dialogue and cooperation has improved.
  • Women’s empowerment to demand their rights and take on leadership responsibilities.
  • Gender-based discrimination and violence have decreased.
  • Women’s representation in numerous sectors and decision-making roles has increased.
  • Gender-sensitive policies and practices are implemented in organizations and institutions.
  • Positive shifts in gender equality attitudes and behaviors


Participants :

S.Y., T.Y




Resource Person:


Methodology used:


Powerpoint presentation

Presentation with notes and comments. 

Supportive Documents




Non -Technical

Activity level:

All Department


Personal Grooming and Hygiene with Eva perfume 

Organized by:

Women Development and Gender Sensitization


College campus 


30 th July 2022


11.00 am 

Objective of event:

  • To teach females the value of personal grooming and hygiene for general well-being and self-esteem.
  • To promote the right use of Eva perfume as a complement to personal grooming, so boosting one’s individuality and aroma attractiveness.
  • Instilling appropriate grooming habits that contribute to a favorable and professional image in both personal and social situations.
  • To raise awareness about the importance of keeping cleanliness and hygiene in order to prevent health problems and boost self-esteem.
  • Encourage girls to be confident in their appearance and to take pride in their appearance.


Outcomes of event :

  • Girls’ understanding of the importance of personal grooming and hygiene has increased.
  • Understanding how to use Eva perfume to enhance one’s personal smell.
  • Adoption of healthy grooming habits, such as bathing, hair care, skincare, and grooming regimens.
  • Maintaining a well-groomed and sanitary appearance boosts self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • Body odor and hygiene concerns are reduced.
  • Grooming has a favorable impact on personal and professional connections.
  • Individuality and expression are developed with the usage of Eva perfume as a preferred fragrance option.
  • Encouragement for girls to share their grooming and hygiene knowledge with others, so encouraging a clean and confident culture.


Participants :





Resource Person:


Methodology used:


Napkin distribution 

Supportive Documents




Non -Technical

Activity level:

Inter Department


Feminine and Hygiene 

Organized by:

Women Development, Gender sensitization and NSS 


College campus 


12th Aug.  2022


11.00 am 

Objective of event:

  • To teach female students the value of feminine hygiene for their health and well-being.
  • Menstrual hygiene and its impact on physical and mental health should be made more widely known.
  • To educate proper menstrual product usage and disposal procedures in order to ensure sanitation and environmental sustainability.
  • To dispel myths and misinformation about menstruation and feminine hygiene.
  • To teach female students how to handle their menstrual periods comfortably and without shame.


Outcomes of event:

  • Increased understanding among female students of the need of feminine hygiene in sustaining good health.
  • Adopting healthy menstrual hygiene practices, such as using appropriate products and using safe disposal procedures.
  • Infections and other health concerns associated with inadequate feminine hygiene are reduced.
  • Improved confidence and comfort with menstruation management, resulting in fewer absenteeism from school during periods.
  • Breaking down societal taboos and stigmas associated with menstruation, resulting in a more open and supportive environment.
  • Peer support and understanding of feminine hygiene issues among female students has improved.
  • Girl students are being empowered to speak for their hygiene needs and rights.
  • Promotion of a culture of excellent hygiene practices outside of menstruation, which benefits overall health and well-being.







Resource Person:

Sanyukta Keluskar 

Methodology used:


Supportive Documents




Non -Technical

Activity level:

Inter Department


Social Awareness programme on Bharosa cell 

Organized by:

Women Development, Gender sensitization and Research Innovation incubation 


College campus 


26th Aug.  2022


09.00 am 

Objective of event:

  • To make students understand the availability of Bharosa cell during crises.
  • To create awareness amongst the students about consequences of Drugs dealing and Domestic abuse and other crime 
  • To help student understand their legal right in case of such crimes.


Outcomes of event:

  • Increased students’ awareness towards ill-effects of drug abuse and domestic violence 
  • Helped Students to understand the importance of Bharosa cell.
  • It encouraged students in understanding how they can take stand against such crimes happening around them. 







Resource Person:

Tejashree Shinde (Asst. Police Inspector)

Methodology used:



Case study based interactive method of communication 

Supportive Documents




Non -Technical

Activity level:

Inter Department


A Donation Drive of sanitary Napkins, gift Hygiene 

Organized by:

Women Development, Gender sensitization and NSS Unit 


College campus 


12th to 16 th dec.2022


09.30 am 

Objective of event:

  • To promote menstrual hygiene amongst the girls.
  • To provide sanitary napkins to girls and women who not have access to them due to financial constraints.
  • To ensure that girls have access to menstrual hygiene products, specifically sanitary napkins, for their health and well-being.


Outcomes of event:

  • Increased access to sanitary napkins for girls in need, allowing them to manage their periods in a healthy manner.
  • Girls’ menstrual hygiene practices have improved, leading to improved health and well-being.
  • Reduced school absenteeism due to menstruation, benefiting females’ education.
  • Increased awareness and openness regarding menstruation, as well as the breaking down of taboos and the creation of a supportive environment.
  • Girls’ self-esteem and confidence have increased as a result of knowing they have the resources they need for menstrual hygiene.
  • Community relationships were strengthened as a result of concerted efforts to assist girls’ health and education.
  • Encouragement for other communities and organizations to launch similar donation drives and charitable initiatives.
  • Contributing to greater gender equality by addressing a specific issue that impacts the daily lives and opportunities of females.







Resource Person:


Methodology used:


Donation Drive  

Supportive Documents




Non -Technical

Activity level:

Inter Department


Self Defense and Fitness Session 

Organized by:

Women Development, Gender sensitization and Sports Department 


College campus 


19th Dec.2022


8.00 am 

Objective of event:

  • The major goal of alumni-led self-defense seminars for female students is to provide them with essential self-defense skills, increase their confidence, and promote a sense of empowerment.
  • To foster a secure and supportive atmosphere in which girls can learn physical and mental abilities to effectively protect themselves in potentially dangerous situations.
  • To deepen the relationship between alumni and the university by establishing a culture of giving back and mentorship.


Outcomes of event:

  • Participants learned practical self-defense methods that would enable them to respond successfully in threatening situations
  • The girl students expressed increased self-confidence and a higher sense of control over their own safety as a result of hands-on practice and advice from alumni.
  • The courses also aimed to raise participants’ awareness of potential hazards and teach them how to recognise and avoid dangerous situations. This preventive measure is critical for personal protection.







Resource Person:

Kunal Bipin Soni 

Methodology used:

Practical training

Supportive Documents

Activity:Non -Technical
Activity level: Inter Department
Title:Birth Anniversary of Savitribai Phule (skit) 
Organized by:Women Development, Gender sensitization and NSS Unit
Venue:College campus
Date:30th Dec.2022
Time:10.00 am
Objective of event:

●        To commemorate the birth anniversary of Savitribai Phule, an Indian pioneer in women’s education and social reform.

●        To create awareness about Savitribai Phule’s life, contributions, and hardships in advancing girls’ education and women’s rights.

●        To motivate the audience by telling the tale of Savitribai Phule and her unwavering efforts to combat societal inequities and discrimination.

●        To demonstrate the value of education and empowerment in building a more inclusive and just society.

●        Through the skit performance, gender equality and women’s empowerment will be promoted.

●        To emphasize the importance of women’s engagement in the sociopolitical realm, as well as their roles as change-makers.

●        Encourage the audience to think on the progress made in women’s rights and education since Savitribai Phule’s time, as well as areas that still need to be addressed.


Outcomes of event:

●        Increased learning and awareness of self-defense skills and their implementation among Increased audience awareness and knowledge of Savitribai Phule’s life and contributions.

●        Empowering and motivating the audience, particularly girls and women, to pursue education and speak out against social injustices.

●        Women’s education and their responsibilities in societal growth are recognized and appreciated.

●        Improved knowledge of women’s historical and contemporary issues, leading to empathy and support for gender equality.






Resource Person:NA
Methodology used:



Skit activity

Supportive Documents

●        Seminar Report


Activity:Non -Technical
Activity level: Inter Department
Title:A Personality development and personal menstrual Hygiene session
Organized by:Women Development, Gender sensitization and BBI Dept
Venue:College campus
Date:10th Feb, 2023
Time:10.00 am
Objective of event:

●        To encourage participants’ holistic growth by improving their personality traits, self-awareness, and communication abilities.

●        To boost participants’ self-esteem and confidence, allowing them to navigate social and professional settings with ease.


●        To increase public knowledge of the need of personal cleanliness for general health and well-being.

●        To educate participants on menstrual hygiene management, as well as to break down taboos and promote a good attitude towards menstruation.

●        Participants will be given practical suggestions and practices for maintaining good personal hygiene and menstrual hygiene.

●        To promote open dialogue and remove myths about personal and menstrual hygiene.

●        To create a friendly and nonjudgmental environment in which participants can freely discuss their experiences and concerns.



Outcomes of event:

●        To encourage participants’ holistic growth by improving their personality traits, self-awareness, and communication abilities.

●        To boost participants’ self-esteem and confidence, allowing them to navigate social and professional settings with ease.

●        To increase public knowledge of the need of personal cleanliness for general health and well-being.

●        To educate participants on menstrual hygiene management, as well as to break down taboos and promote a good attitude towards menstruation.






Resource Person:Miss Aanchal Yadav
Methodology used:




Supportive Documents●        Seminar Report

A.Y. 2023-24

Activity:Practical Training
Activity level:All Department
Title:Self Defense Workshop under the guidance of Ministry of Women and Child Development
Organized by:Women Development and Gender Sensitization Cell
Venue:Auditorium, Shree L.R. Tiwari College
Date:5th, 6th and 7th July 2023
Time:11: 00 am to 01:30 pm, 09:00 am to 11:00 am, 09:00 am to 11: 00am
Objective of event:

●       To educate the girl students about the different types of violence against them

●       To provide knowledge about different tips of self-protection to keep in mind in different situation

●       To show case and give demo on different self defense techniques

Expected Outcomes of event:

●       Participants gained a deeper understanding of personal safety and the ability to identify potential threats, making them more vigilant in various situations.

●       The workshop equipped girl students with valuable self-defense techniques, enabling them to protect themselves in potentially dangerous situations.

●       Participants left the workshop with reduced fear and increased feelings of empowerment, knowing they have the ability to protect themselves and make informed choices.

Targeted Participants:SY and TY students
Total Participants:165
Resource Person:

1)      Mr Sanjay Naik (Asst Protection Officer- Mira Bhayandar)

2)      Mr VenkateshHundekar (CDPO – Ministry of Women and Child Development

3)      Mr. KamleshDeshmukh (Protection Officer – Mira Bhayandar, Thane) 

Methodology used:
  1. Seminar
  2. Counselling
  3. Practical Training
Supportive Documents●        SeminarReport
Activity:Practical Training
Activity level:All Department
Title:National Constitution Day
Organized by:Women Development and Gender Sensitization Cell in collaboration with NSS and DLLE
Date:26th Nov 2023
Time:09:00 AM
Objective of event:●        To  raise awareness about the constitution of India and its foundational principles among the students. ●        To encourage active participation of all segments of the SLRTDC community in the Constitution Day celebration. ●        To leverage online initiatives and the MyGov portal for wider participation and engagement in Constitution Day celebrations.
Expected Outcomes of event:●        Enhanced understanding and knowledge of the constitution’s preamble and its significance among participants. ●        Strengthened community bonds and a sense of unity through collective reflection on constitutional values. ●         Increased participation and positive feedback on the online initiatives, leading to a successful digital celebration.
Targeted Participants:All students and Faculty
Total Participants:100
Resource Person:NA 
Methodology used:
  1. Online Quiz
Supportive Documents●        Seminar Report
Activity:Non -Technical
Activity level:Inter Department
Title:Awareness Drive on World AIDS Day
Organized by:Women Development, Gender sensitization and National Service Scheme
Venue:Shree LR Tiwari Degree College Campus
Date:1st December, 2023
Time:10:00 am onwards
Objective of event:

●       The primary objective was to disseminate accurate information and raise awareness about HIV/AIDS among the student community.

●       The event aimed to combat the existing stigma associated with HIV/AIDS through a skit performed by students.

●        The objective was to utilize creative and artistic expression as a powerful tool to break down stereotypes, foster empathy, and encourage open conversations surrounding the virus.


Outcomes of event:

●        The event successfully achieved its primary objective of raising awareness about HIV/AIDS.

●        The skit performed by students emerged as a powerful tool in breaking down stigma associated with HIV/AIDS.

●        The creative expression through the skit played a significant role in reshaping perceptions within the college community.






Resource Person:NA
Methodology used:Skit
Supportive DocumentsSeminar Report
Activity level:All Department
Title:Grooming and Personality Development Session
Organized by:Women Development and Gender Sensitization Cell
Venue:College Auditorium
Time:9:30 AM – 11:00 AM
Objective of event:To empower female students with knowledge and insights into grooming and personality development, fostering their personal and professional growth.To challenge stereotypes surrounding women’s appearance and behavior, promoting open discussions and encouraging women to express themselves authentically.To create a positive and inclusive environment within the college community, where female students feel supported and encouraged to explore and enhance their personalities.
Expected Outcomes  of event :

●        Participants gained valuable insights into grooming and personality development.

●        The event fostered a positive and empowering environment within the college community.

●        The collaboration with Viberea Communications enriched the event’s content and impact.

Targeted Participants :All Girls Students of All dept.
Total Participants:300
Resource Person:Ms. Jyoti Bhanushali
Methodology used:


Group Discussion

Supportive Documents●        Seminar Report
Activity:Practical Training
Activity level:All Department
Title:Menstrual Hygiene and Sanitary Pads Donation
Organized by:Women Development Cell in collaboration with NSS
Venue:Kasarali Village, Vaitarna – NSS Camp
Date:25th Dec 2023
Time:10:30 AM
Objective of event:

●       To raise awareness about menstrual hygiene practices, debunk myths, and promote healthy habits among young girls and women in Kasarali Village.

●       To contribute to the menstrual health and well-being of the community by donating 500 sanitary pads during the session.

●       To foster collaboration between the Women Development Cell, NSS, and the local community to address specific health needs and challenges related to menstrual hygiene.

Expected Outcomes of event:

●       The session successfully increased awareness about menstrual hygiene, empowering participants with knowledge and dispelling misconceptions.

●       A total of 500 sanitary pads were donated during the session. Some were distributed immediately to the attendees, while the remaining pads were handed over to school authorities for future distribution, ensuring a sustained impact on menstrual health.

●       The collaborative effort between the Women Development Cell, NSS, and the community contributed to building stronger bonds within the village, promoting a sense of shared responsibility for women’s health.

Targeted Participants:Young girls and Women of Kasarali Village
Total Participants:100
Resource Person:Asst Prof Sonal Shah
Methodology used:Discussion
Supportive DocumentsSeminar Report
Activity level:All Department
Title:Sessions on “Mera Pehla Vote Desh Ke Liye”
Organized by:WDC, NSS and DLLE
Venue:New Building, Room No. 502
Date:4th March, 2024
Time:8:30 am onwards
Objective of event:

●       To raise awareness among students about the importance of exercising their voting rights.

●       To promote a sense of civic responsibility among students.

●       To facilitate engagement and dialogue among students and faculty members regarding voting rights and electoral processes.

Expected Outcomes of event :

●       The sessions on “Mera Pehla Vote Desh Ke Liye” initiative served as a platform to instill a sense of responsibility and awareness among students regarding their voting rights.

●       The active participation of faculty members and students showcased a commitment towards contributing to the progress and prosperity of our nation through democratic means.

Targeted Participants :Students of all departments
Total Participants:100
Resource Person:N.A.
Methodology used:Discussion
Supportive Documents●        Seminar Report
Activity level:All Department
Title:International Women’s Day Celebration at Rahul Education
Organized by:Rahul Education
Date:9th March, 2024
Time:9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Objective of event:

●        To celebrate the achievements and contributions of women globally.

●        To promote awareness about gender parity and women’s empowerment.

●        To provide a platform for insightful discussions and performances.

Expected Outcomes of event :

●        Increased awareness about the significance of International Women’s Day.

●        Promotion of dialogue on gender parity and women’s empowerment.

●        Appreciation for the diverse achievements of women across various fields.

Targeted Participants :Female Faculties of SLRTDC
Total Participants:24
Resource Person:

●        Dr. Smita Shukla – Director, IQAC, University of Mumbai

●       Tejashree Shinde – Assistant inspector in charge

●       Ar Malini Rajlakshmi – Conservation Architect.

●       Vishwaja Jadhav – singer

●       Pooja Akula – Travel vlogger and content curator

●       Neha Dhanuka – chartered accountant & Producer in the entertainment industry

●       Uma Iyer – Associate director, Accenture operations

●       Mini Suboth, Artist & Philanthropist

●       Vaishali Rode, Advocate

●       Agatha Dias, Social reformer and founder director of Amcha Ghar

●       Kiran Bhade, Chairperson, Samruddhi Mahilabachat Gat

●       Sangeeta More

Methodology used:Panel Discussions, Presentations and Performances
Supportive Documents●        Seminar Report
Activity level:All Department
Title:Basics of Capital Market
Organized by:WDC and Competitive Examination and Guidance Cell
Venue:Online (Zoom Meeting)
Date:12th March, 2024
Time:9:00 am to 10:00 am
Objective of event:

●       To enhance financial literacy among participants, particularly focusing on the basics of the capital market.

●       To empower women and aspiring professionals by equipping them with essential knowledge and skills related to the capital market.

●       To foster financial inclusion and awareness among individuals from diverse backgrounds.

Expected Outcomes of event :

●       Participants gained a better understanding of the fundamental concepts of the capital market by preparing members with essential knowledge and aptitudes related to the capital advertise.

●       The session cultivated monetary consideration by coming out to people from diverse backgrounds and providing them with access to valuable data around the capital market.

●       Students learned about the various components of capital markets, including primary and secondary markets.

Targeted Participants :Girl students of all departments
Total Participants:56
Resource Person:Mr. Jagdish Mane (National Stock Exchange Expert)
Methodology used:PPT
Supportive Documents●        Seminar Report

A.Y. 2024-25

Activity level:All Department
Title:Empowering Minds: Mental Health Strategies for Academic Success
Organized by:Women Development Cell and  Internal Complaints Committee
Venue:Room 502, New Building
Date:22nd June, 2024
Time:10:30 AM onwards
Objective of event:

●Increase Mental Health Awareness and Education Among Students

●Enhance Accessibility to Mental Health Resources and Support Services

●Integrate Mental Health Strategies into Academic Environments and Practices.

Expected Outcomes  of event :

●The session provided a comprehensive overview of various mental health issues that students may encounter, such as anxiety, depression, and burnout.

●Attendees learned practical techniques and strategies for managing stress and anxiety. These included mindfulness exercises and effective time management skills.

●By discussing mental health openly and equipping participants with practical tools, the session aimed to empower students to take proactive steps towards better mental well-being and academic success.

Targeted Participants :SY and TY
Total Participants:50
Resource Person:Ms. Roopa Kanojia (Counselling Psychologist)
Methodology used:Discussion
PowerPoint presentation
Supportive Documents

● Seminar Report

● Feedback Analysis

Activity level:Committee
Title:Empowerment through Knowledge: Menstrual Hygiene and Personality Development.
Organized by:Women Development Cell and Internal Complaint committee
Venue:Auditorium of Shree L.R Tiwari Degree College
Time:10:30 am to 01:00 pm
Objective of event:

The event was organized with the following objectives:

●To empower female students with comprehensive soft skills and practical knowledge concerning menstrual hygiene.

●To facilitate an engaging and informative session that promotes awareness and understanding of menstrual hygiene among students.

●To provide female students with valuable career development opportunities through informative sessions and networking.


Expected Outcomes of event:

The outcomes of the event were as follows:

●The session provided a comprehensive overview of menstrual hygiene and its importance.

●Attendees learned practical techniques for managing menstrual health and stress.

●By discussing menstrual hygiene openly and equipping participants with practical tools, the session aimed to empower female students to take proactive steps towards better health and career success.

●Participants were gifted with free hampers in order to promote menstrual hygiene.


Targeted Participants :Female Students of all department
Total Participants:161
Resource Person:Ms Mishika Dhakan (Public Speaker)
Methodology used:

●Event Setup

●The event started with a welcome address by the Principal, Dr. Sanjay Mishra, who highlighted the importance of such sessions in empowering our female students.

●Ms Mishika Dhakan provided an insightful overview of menstrual hygiene, discussing various practices and their impact on women’s health. She addressed common myths and misconceptions, encouraging students to adopt healthy habits.


●Documentation: The event was documented through photographs and videos to preserve the memories.

Supportive Documents

Seminar Report

Feedback Analysis

Activity level:All Department
Title:Empowerment Through Education: A session on Savitribai Phule’s Contribution
Organized by:Women Development Cell in collaboration with the College Library and Literary Committee
Date:3rd January 2025
Time:12:00 PM onwards
Objective of event:

● To encourage students and faculties by highlighting Savitribai Phule’s pioneering role in women’s education and social reform, including her efforts to establish the first school for girls in India.

● To reinforce the importance of gender equality in education and beyond, inspired by Savitribai’s efforts to break gender barriers.

● To highlight Savitribai Phule’s work towards social justice, especially her advocacy for the rights of Dalits and oppressed communities.

● To encourage students to express their thoughts and feelings about Savitribai Phule’s values and impact on society

Expected Outcomes of event :



● Empowerment through Knowledge: By celebrating Savitribai Phule’s legacy, the event empowered participants to recognize their own potential to bring about social change

● Inspiration for Action: The celebration inspired participants to reflect on the ongoing relevance of Savitribai Phule’s ideals in contemporary society.

● Motivation for Continued Learning: The sessions motivated many attendees, especially students and educators, to continue learning about social reform and women’s rights movements

Targeted Participants:FY, SY and TY
Total Participants:15 Faculty and 25 Students
Resource Person:
Methodology used:Interactive Discussion & Open Conversation
Supportive Documents● Seminar Report
Activity level:All Department
Title:Let’s Talk Health: Menstrual Hygiene, Menopause & PCOD
Organized by:Women Development Cell in Collaboration with NSS Unit
Venue:NSS Camp
Date:27th December 2024
Time:05:00 PM
Objective of event:

● To educate women and girls in rural areas menstrual hygiene, menopause & PCOD, promoting better health practices.

● To encourage open discussion around taboo topics such as menstrual hygiene, menopause & PCOD to break the sigma and create a safe place for learning.

● To inspire women and girls to adopt healthier lifestyle choices and seek medical help when necessary.


Expected Outcomes of event :



● Several participants indicated that the event has inspired them to take proactive steps towards better health management

● The WDC members, who led the event, gained greater confidence in educating and empowering women in rural areas.

● One of the key outcomes of the event was the dismantling of long held cultural taboos and myths surrounding menstruation, menopause and PCOD.

Targeted Participants:Rural Women and Girls
Total Participants:50
Resource Person:Asst. Prof. Sonal Shah
Methodology used:Open Discussion
Face to face interaction
Supportive Documents

● Seminar Report


Activity level:All Department
Title:Save our daughters: Raising Awareness on Female Gendercide.
Organized by:Women Development Cell
Venue:502, New Building
Date:24th September 2024
Time:9:30 AM
Objective of event:

● To raise awareness about the social, cultural and systematic biases that contribute to female gendercide.

● To educate students on the importances of standing against gender- based violence and discrimination.

● To encourage active participation in initiatives aimed at protecting and empowering women in society.


Expected Outcomes of event :



● Increased awareness among the participants about the issue of female gendercide and its social and legal implications.

● Empowerment of students to advocate for gender equality and become active participants in the fight against gender-based violence.

● Strengthened partnerships between educational institutions and NGOs like the Child Health Foundation to continue raising awareness on critical social issues.

Targeted Participants:FY, SY and TY
Total Participants:113
Resource Person:Ms. Chris Shenoy
Methodology used:Group Discussion
PowerPoint presentation
Presentation with notes and comments.
Supportive Documents

● Seminar Report

● Feedback Report


Activity level:All Department
Title:Empowerment Through Education: A session on Savitribai Phule’s Contribution
Organized by:Women Development Cell in collaboration with the College Library and Literary Committee
Date:3rd January 2025
Time:12:00 PM onwards
Objective of event:● To encourage students and faculties by highlighting Savitribai Phule’s pioneering role in women’s education and social reform, including her efforts to establish the first school for girls in India. ● To reinforce the importance of gender equality in education and beyond, inspired by Savitribai’s efforts to break gender barriers. ● To highlight Savitribai Phule’s work towards social justice, especially her advocacy for the rights of Dalits and oppressed communities. ● To encourage students to express their thoughts and feelings about Savitribai Phule’s values and impact on society
Expected Outcomes of event :    ● Empowerment through Knowledge: By celebrating Savitribai Phule’s legacy, the event empowered participants to recognize their own potential to bring about social change ● Inspiration for Action: The celebration inspired participants to reflect on the ongoing relevance of Savitribai Phule’s ideals in contemporary society. ● Motivation for Continued Learning: The sessions motivated many attendees, especially students and educators, to continue learning about social reform and women’s rights movements
Targeted Participants:FY, SY and TY
Total Participants:15 Faculty and 25 Students
Resource Person:
Methodology used:Interactive Discussion & Open Conversation
Supportive Documents● Seminar Report
Activity level:All Department
Title:Save our daughters: Raising Awareness on Female Gendercide.
Organized by:Women Development Cell
Venue:502, New Building
Date:24th September 2024
Time:9:30 AM
Objective of event:● To raise awareness about the social, cultural and systematic biases that contribute to female gendercide. ● To educate students on the importances of standing against gender- based violence and discrimination. ● To encourage active participation in initiatives aimed at protecting and empowering women in society.  
Expected Outcomes of event :    ● Increased awareness among the participants about the issue of female gendercide and its social and legal implications. ● Empowerment of students to advocate for gender equality and become active participants in the fight against gender-based violence. ● Strengthened partnerships between educational institutions and NGOs like the Child Health Foundation to continue raising awareness on critical social issues.
Targeted Participants:FY, SY and TY
Total Participants:113
Resource Person:Ms. Chris Shenoy
Methodology used:Group Discussion PowerPoint presentation Presentation with notes and comments.
Supportive Documents● Seminar Report ● Feedback Report  
Activity level:All Department
Title:Let’s Talk Health: Menstrual Hygiene, Menopause & PCOD
Organized by:Women Development Cell in Collaboration with NSS Unit
Venue:NSS Camp
Date:27th December 2024
Time:05:00 PM
Objective of event:● To educate women and girls in rural areas menstrual hygiene, menopause & PCOD, promoting better health practices. ● To encourage open discussion around taboo topics such as menstrual hygiene, menopause & PCOD to break the sigma and create a safe place for learning. ● To inspire women and girls to adopt healthier lifestyle choices and seek medical help when necessary.  
Expected Outcomes of event :    ● Several participants indicated that the event has inspired them to take proactive steps towards better health management ● The WDC members, who led the event, gained greater confidence in educating and empowering women in rural areas. ● One of the key outcomes of the event was the dismantling of long held cultural taboos and myths surrounding menstruation, menopause and PCOD.
Targeted Participants:Rural Women and Girls
Total Participants:50
Resource Person:Asst. Prof. Sonal Shah
Methodology used:Open Discussion Face to face interaction
Supportive Documents●       Seminar Report