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NEP – 2020: Innovations, Startup & Incubation

The New National Education Policy stresses on the importance of Skill Education rather than rote learning. So with the slogan of Learning by doing & in pursuance of NEP, the basic objective of any educational institute is to bridge the industry-Academia gap & making students ready for the industry. This gap can be abridged by the most important medium that is its Faculty members, hence this programme is designed to train and develop Faculty in the area of innovation, Start-ups & incubation so that they can act as ‘Facilitator’ in guiding and motivating young students to take up entrepreneurship as their career.


  1. To facilitate skilling, up-skilling & re- skilling learning process in lifelong
  2. To actively involve faculty and staff in innovation and entrepreneurship related
  3. To developing critical thinking skills to motivate students and faculties with entrepreneurial
  4. To promote Pre-incubation and Incubation Facilities for nurturing Innovations and start-ups.
  5. To empower the students to participate in Innovation and Entrepreneurship related activities and encourage them to consider start-ups and entrepreneurship as a
  6. To analyze and evaluate the various aspects and concepts of innovation and

FDP Rules and Regulations

  1. Professional Fees for the Online One Week Faculty Development Programme is Rs. 1000/-
  2. Amount Paid towards Registration of FDP is Non- Refundable & Non Transferable under any circumstances 3.The Programme will be Conducted as per UGC -HRDC Guidelines.
  3. The Programme is open to all.
  4. All the registered participants have to join WhatsApp group after payment. All the links of the respective sessions will be shared on WhatsApp group.
  5. All the Participants has to fill UGC- HRDC Application Form for FDP, Provided to the participants through the FDP- WhatsApp group.
  6. All the sessions will be conducted through online Platform -Zoom/Microsoft Teams
  7. All the participants are required to join the session 10 minutes before the commencement of the session.
  8. It is compulsory for all the participants to submit the Assignments given in the Sessions within the stipulated time. All the Assessment will be conducted & evaluated by UGC-HRDC.
  9. Participants must Upload all assignments on the link provided to them in the FDP- WhatsApp Group.
  10. 90% Attendance is compuslsory.
Sr.No. Activity Assigned score
1 Overall Response 20
2 Seminar 20
3 Article 20
4 ICT based micro-teaching and learning 20
5 MCQ 20
Total Score 100
  1. Grades : 1. A+: 85 percent and above
  2. A : 84-70 percent
  3. B : 69-60 percent
  4. C : 59-50 percent
  5. F : Below 49 percent


  1. Limited seats are available, participants will be selected on the basis of UGC- HRDC . eligibility Criteria.
  2. Active Participation of Participants is needed in Organising Daily Sessions- Daily Work Allocation includes :
    • Welcome Address
    • Introduction of the Speaker
    • Maintaining Attendance Record.
    • Report Writing
    • Vote of Thanks
    • Capturing Geo- Tagged Photographs etc
    • Collecting Assignments, Articles
    • Preparing Google forms/ Spreadsheets for the record.
  3. Feedback link will be sent in chat box after each session and participants must strictly submit feedback within 20 mins.
  4. Participation E- Certificates & QR Coded graded certificate will be issued by UGC-HRDC to the participants only after submission of all assignments & After Complying UGC-HRDC Evaluation & Grading Criteria.
  5. All Participants must strictly adhere to the Rules and Regulations.
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