IQAC Activities 2019-20

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Activity level:Departmental
Title:Training programme on Excel and Advance Excel
Organized by:IQAC
Venue:College Campus
Date:6-1-2020 to 12-1-2020
Time:3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Objective of event:
  • To Ensure participants to understand Excel interface, navigation and understand basic functions and formulas.
  • To Teach participants to use Pivot tables and pivot charts and Advanced formulas (IFERROR, SUMIFS, INDEX-MATCH).
  • To Introduction to data validation and conditional formatting
  • To Teach participants data visualization techniques, Macros and VBA (Visual Basic Applications).


Expected Outcomes  of event :
  • Participants learned the fundamental of Excel
  • Participant learned basic functions and formulas  Excel
  • Participant Understand uses of Advance excel (IFERROR, SUMIFS, INDEX-MATCH)
  • Participants data visualization techniques, Macros and VBA (Visual Basic Applications).


Targeted Participants :Non-teaching staff
Total Participants:13
Resource Person:Prof. Neelesh Chaudhary
Methodology used:PPT
Supportive DocumentsReport
Activity level:NA
Title:Progressive Improvement in Quality and Excellence
Organized by:IQAC
Venue:Seminar Hall, 2nd Floor, SLRTDC
Time:3.30 pm onwards
Objective of event:

To improve the quality of on-going NAAC endeavours undertaken by educational institutions.

To provide participants with comprehensive guidance and strategies to excel in NAAC related initiatives.

Expected Outcomes  of event :

Participants gained deeper understanding of quality parameters, assessment criteria and effective documentation practices.


Participants received comprehensive guidance on various aspects of NAAC work, including SSR, quality indicators, evidence based practices.


Participants were equipped with the necessary tools methodologies to streamline their NAAC endeavours and strive for excellence.

Targeted Participants :All Faculties
Total Participants:13
Resource Person:Dr. VishnukantChatpalli
Methodology used:PPT
Supportive DocumentsReport