Green Campus Committee

At Shree L. R. Tiwari Degree College, we are committed to creating a sustainable and eco-friendly environment for our students, faculty, and staff. The Green Campus Committee is dedicated to implementing initiatives that reduce our environmental footprint and promote a culture of sustainability.

Objectives :

Promote Awareness: Raise awareness about environmental issues and the importance of sustainable practices within our campus community.

Implement Green Practices : Introduce and support sustainable practices in areas such as energy conservation, waste management, transportation, and more.

Engage the Community : Encourage active participation from students, faculty, and staff in our sustainability initiatives, fostering a sense of collective responsibility.

Foster Innovation : Seek out and support innovative solutions that contribute to a greener and more sustainable campus.

Educate and Empower : Provide educational resources and opportunities for individuals to learn about and take action towards a more sustainable future.

We invite you to explore our website to learn more about our ongoing projects, upcoming events, and ways you can get involved. Together, we can make a positive impact on our campus and beyond.

A.Y. 2020-21

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Activity:Tree Plantation
Activity level:Practical
Title:Make the Campus Green
Organized by:Green Campus
Venue:College Campus
Time:08:00 am
Objective of event:
  • To form a personal connect between faculty members and students through process of experience, creation and reflection
  • To save the endangered environment and emphasis of tree plantation
  • To maintain green ambience in the campus and highlight importance of tree plantation
Expected Outcomes ofevent:
  • Faculties and students involvement showed a greater collaboration towards a sustainable future
  • Participants realised the importance of tree plantation and got further motivation to organize more such event in future
  • Students learnt how tree plantation is just the beginning and more such efforts need to be undertaken for the campus.
Targeted Participants:Faculty and Students
Total Participants:33
Resource Person:NA
Methodology used:Tree Plantation
Supportive Documents

A.Y. 2021-22

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Activity level:Non-Technical
Title:Poster Making Competition
Organized by:Green Campus committee
Venue:107 OB,College Campus
Date:25th January,2022
Time:12:30 pm Onwards
The objective of the eventThe main goal of the poster-making competition was to give students a way to express their ideas creatively and graphically about how they felt about the theme of “Embracing Diversity.” The event aimed to:
  • Encourage the students to use art to explore a variety of themes, cultures, and viewpoints.
  • Encourage participants to express themselves creatively and critically.
  • Raise awareness of the value of accepting diversity in the modern world.
  • Give children a stage on which to present their creative abilities and encourage a feeling of community involvement.
Expected Outcomes of the event:
  • Students expressed their individual viewpoints using a variety of artistic materials and approaches.
  • The learner’s imagination was impressive, demonstrating their capacity for critical thought and effective visual communication of concepts.
  • There was a great deal of viewer and participant interaction during the event, which encouraged conversation about the value of diversity in society.
  • Students were able to hone their creative skills, get helpful criticism from teachers and peers, and advance their knowledge of visual communication through the competition.
Targeted Participants: All students
Total Participants:All students
Methodology used:Competition
Supportive DocumentsSeminarReport and Attendance
Activity:Event Celebration
Activity level:Non-Technical
Title:Dry Holi Celebration
Organized by:Green Campus committee
Venue:College Ground, College Campus
Date:17th March ,2022
Time:12:00 pm-1:30 pm
The objective of the event
  • Embrace the cultural celebration of Holi in an environmentally responsible and sustainable way.
  • Inform learners on the harmful effects that traditional Holi colors and excessive water use have on the environment.
  • Encourage the use of eco-friendly and natural colors to mitigate pollution in the environment.
  • Promote safe celebrations and encourage students to get involved in the festivities.
Expected Outcomes of the event:
  • The event effectively encouraged the use of eco-friendly, natural colors derived from organic materials, guaranteeing a happy Holi celebration with the least amount of environmental damage.
  • Instead of wasting water as is usually the case with traditional Holi celebrations, students eagerly participated in dry Holi activities.
  • Through the celebration of a traditional festival, the event gave students from various backgrounds a chance to join together and build cross-cultural understanding and unity.
  • The event was made more vibrant with a variety of entertaining activities, including as music, dancing, and the creation of eco-friendly colored rangolis, which allowed students to express their creativity and embrace the spirit of Holi.
Targeted Participants: All students
Total Participants:All students
ResourcePerson: N/A
Supportive DocumentsSeminarReport and Attendance
Activity level:Non-Technical
Title:Awareness Programme on Waste Management
Organized by:Green Campus committee and Mira -Bhayander Municipal Corporation
Venue:Seminar Hall, College Campus
Date:4th February,2022
Time:11:00 am onwards
The objective of the event
  • Educate students about the effects improper garbage disposal has on the environment.
  • Raise awareness of the importance of recycling and trash segregation.
  • Motivate learners to incorporate sustainable habits into their everyday life.
  • Encourage the college community to take the initiative to participate in trash management efforts.
Expected Outcomes of the event:
  • Students gained important knowledge about environmentally friendly trash management techniques from these seminars.
  • Students were able to share ideas, voice opinions, and seek clarification on waste management-related topics through lively discussions and Q&A sessions.
  • The practical method improved the students’ comprehension of waste management procedures.
  • To encourage students to take responsibility for their waste disposal behaviours, important messages about waste management were reinforced and information was distributed via posters, brochures, and visual aids.
Targeted Participants: All students
Total Participants:All Students
ResourcePerson: N/A
Methodology used:
  • Discussion
  • Power point presentation
Supportive DocumentsSeminarReport and Attendance

A.Y. 2022-23

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Activity:Discussion and Poster Making Activity
Activity level:BMS Department
Title:Guidance session on awareness on international day on plastic ban
Organized by:Green Campus and BMS Dept
Venue:College Campus
Date:04th July, 2022
Time:08:00 am
Objective of event:
  • To provide participants with comprehensive knowledge about the environmental impact of plastic usage and the significance of the International Day on Plastic Ban.
  • To encourage participants to adopt eco-friendly practices by raising awareness about sustainable alternatives to single-use plastics.
  • To Foster active participation and dialogue among attendees to create a community committed to reducing plastic usage.
Expected Outcomes of event:
  • Participants will have a heightened understanding of the environmental consequences of plastic use, contributing to increased consciousness about their individual ecological footprint.
  • Attendees will be more likely to adopt and promote sustainable practices, such as reducing plastic consumption and supporting initiatives aimed at curbing plastic pollution.
  • The event will catalyze the formation of a community that actively engages in discussions, collaborations, and actions towards the collective goal of reducing plastic waste, fostering a sense of responsibility and shared commitment.
Targeted Participants:BMS Students
Total Participants:
Resource Person:NA
Methodology used:
  1. Discussion
  2. Poster
Supportive DocumentsSeminar Report

A.Y. 2023-24

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Activity:Poster making, Discussion
Activity level:All department
Title:Energy Conservation Day Celebration
Organized by:ICC and Green Campus Committee
Venue:College Campus
Date:14th Dec 2023
Time:10.00am onwards
The objective of the event:The primary objective of the Energy Conservation Day celebration wasto create awareness about the importance of conserving energy and promoting sustainable practices to raise awareness about Energy saving and encourage the campus community to adopt eco-friendly practices. The event aimed to inspire students, faculty, and staff to take responsibility for the environment and make positive changes in their daily lives.
Expected Outcomes ofthe event:
  • Encouraging Innovation
  • Reduction in Environmental Impact
  • Inspiration for Future Initiatives
  • Government and Corporate Initiatives
  • Data Collection and Assessment
  • Increased Awareness
  • Behavior Change
  • Inspiration for Future Initiatives
  • Public Relations and Reputation
  • Data Collection and Assessment
  • Education and Learning
  • Engagement and Participation
Targeted Participants:F.Y., S.Y.,T.Y
Total Participants:50
Methodology used:
  • Campus activities
  • Discussion
SupportiveDocumentsSeminarReport and Attendance
Activity:Tree plantation, Workshops and seminar, awareness campaign, campus clean-up drive
Activity level:All department
Title:Green Campus Day Celebration
Organized by: N.S.S and Green Campus Committee
Venue:College Campus
Date:3rd July 2023
Time: 9.00 am onwards
The objective of  the event:
  • The primary objective of the Green Campus Day celebration was to raise awareness about sustainability and encourage the campus community to adopt eco-friendly practices.
  • The event aimed to inspire students, faculty, and staff to take responsibility for the environment and make positive changes in their daily lives.
Expected Outcomes of the event :
  • Increased Awareness
  • Behavior Change
  • Education and Learning
  • Engagement and Participation
  • Implementation of Sustainable Practices and Collaboration
  • Reduction in Environmental Impact
  • Inspiration for Future Initiatives
  • Public Relations and Reputation
  • Data Collection and Assessment
Targeted Participants :F.Y., S.Y., T.Y
Total Participants:45
Resource Person:No
Methodology used:
  • Campus activities
  • Seminar
Supportive DocumentsSeminar Report and Attendance
Activity:Cloth Bag Collection
Title:Cloth Bag Collection Drive
Organizedby:N.S.S. and Green Campus Committee
Venue:College Campus
Date:3rd Oct 2023
Time:7.10 am to 12.00 pm
The objective of the eventThe primary goal is to decrease the consumption and disposal of plastic bags, which are a significant contributor to environmental pollution. Cloth bags are a more sustainable and eco-friendlier alternative.The objective of a cloth bag collection drive typically revolves around promoting environmental sustainability and reducing the use of single-use plastic bags. A cloth bag collection drive contributes to building a more sustainable, environmentally conscious, and resilient community. It sets the stage for continued efforts to address environmental challenges and promote a culture of sustainability.
Expected outcomes of the event
  • Reduction in Plastic Bag Usage
  • Environmental Preservation
  • Waste Reduction
  • Community Engagement
  • Support for Local Economy
  • Education and Awareness
  • Contribution to Green Initiatives
  • Positive Public Relations
Targeted Participants:F.Y., S.Y.,T.Y
Total Participants:50
Methodology used:Campus activities
SupportiveDocumentsReport and Attendance
Activity: Competition
Activity level: Non-Technical
Title:Best out of waste competition
Organized by:DLLE and Green Campus club
Venue:206(B) OB, College Campus
Date: 17th October 2023
Time: 10.00 am onwards
 The objective of the event The Best Out of Waste event encourages a more sustainable and ethical approach to garbage management by fusing creativity, environmental education, and community involvement. A “Best Out of Waste” event encourages participants to reuse or turn waste materials into usable or ornamental products in an effort to foster creativity, environmental awareness, and resourcefulness.
Expected Outcomes of the event:
  • Increased Environmental Awareness
  • Promotion of Sustainable Practices
  • Enhanced Creativity and Innovation
  • Skill Development
  • Community Building
  • Exposure to Upcycling
  • Showcasing Talent
  • Reduced Waste
Targeted Participants:All students
Total Participants: 35
Resource Person:N/A
Methodology used: Competition
Supportive DocumentsSeminar Report and Attendance
Activity:Workshops and seminars, awareness campaigns,
Activity level:Non-Technical
Title:Nation Pollution Control Day Celebration
Organized by:I.C.C. and Green Campus Committee
Venue:Room No. 502, NB, College Campus
Date:2nd Dec 2023
Time: 10.00 am onwards
The Objective of the event:National Pollution Control Day aims to foster a sense of responsibility and urgency in dealing with environmental issues, leading to a healthier and sustainable future for all. Some other objectives are:
  • Remembering the Bhopal Gas Tragedy
  • Creating Awareness
  • Highlighting Government Initiatives
  • Educating the Public
  • Encouraging Research and Innovation
Expected Outcomes of the event:
  • Policy Advocacy
  • Increased Awareness
  • Community Engagement
  • Industry Compliance
  • Research and Innovation
  • Government Action
  • Environmental Stewardship
  • Healthier Ecosystems
Targeted Participants: F.Y., S.Y., T.Y
Total Participants: 50
Resource Person:Mr. Subhajeet Mukherjee
Methodology used:
  • Campus activities
  • Seminar
Supportive DocumentsSeminar Report and Attendance

A.Y. 2024-25

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Activity: Awareness campaign
Activity level:Non-Technical
Title:Green Campus Day
Organized by:Green Campus Committee
Venue:College Campus
The objective of the event:

·        To promote sustainability,raise awareness about environmental issues

·        To encourage everyone to adopte co-friendly practices.

·        To Establish a Green Culture.

·        Tofosterasenseofcollectiveresponsibilitytowardstheenvironment.


Outcomes of the event

·        Theeventsuccessfullyraisedawarenessaboutenvironmentalissuesamongstudentsandstaff.

·        Thetreeplantationandcampuscleaningdrivessignificantlyimprovedthecollege’sphysicalenvironment, making it greener and                       cleaner.

·        TheGreenExhibitionprovidedaplatformforstudentstoshowcasetheircreativityandexpresstheirviewsonenvironmentalconservation.






Resource Person:No
Methodology used:

·     Campus activities

·     Campaign

Supportive Documents

·     Seminar Report and Attendance

Activity: Competition
Title:Recycle and Shine competition
Organizedby:DLLE and Green CampusCommittee
Venue:502NB,College Campus
Date:6thDecember 2024
Time:10.00 am onwards
The objective of the event

· Encourage creativity by repurposing waste materials into useful or decorative items.

· Promote recycling and upcycling to reduce environmental impact.

· Raise awareness about the importance of sustainable living and waste management.

· Provide a platform for showcasing innovative ideas and hands-on skills.

· Foster a resourceful mindset by finding value in discarded items.


Outcomes of

the event:

· Participants created innovative and artistic products using waste materials.

· Eco-friendly practices were adopted through recycling and upcycling initiatives.

· The community better understood sustainable practices and effective waste management strategies.

· Individuals showcased their creative solutions and craftsmanship.

· Participants developed a habit of identifying and utilizing the potential in everyday waste, leading to resourceful thinking.



 All students



ResourcePerson: N/A
Methodologyused:· Competition
Supportive Documents

SeminarReport and Attendance



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Title:Poster Making Competition
Organizedby:Green Campus committee
Venue:107 OB,College Campus
Date:25th January,2022
Time:12:30 pm Onwards
The objective of the eventThe main goal of the poster-making competition was to give students a way to express their ideas creatively and graphically about how they felt about the theme of “Embracing Diversity.” The event aimed to:
  • Encourage the students to use art to explore a variety of themes, cultures, and viewpoints.
  • Encourage participants to express themselves creatively and critically.
  • Raise awareness of the value of accepting diversity in the modern world.
  • Give children a stage on which to present their creative abilities and encourage a feeling of community involvement.
Expected Outcomes of the event:
  • Students expressed their individual viewpoints using a variety of artistic materials and approaches.
  • The learner’s imagination was impressive, demonstrating their capacity for critical thought and effective visual communication of concepts.
  • There was a great deal of viewer and participant interaction during the event, which encouraged conversation about the value of diversity in society.
  • Students were able to hone their creative skills, get helpful criticism from teachers and peers, and advance their knowledge of visual communication through the competition.
Targeted Participants:All students
Total Participants:All students
Methodology used: Competition
Supportive DocumentsSeminarReport and Attendance




Event Celebration




Dry Holi Celebration


Green Campus committee


College Ground, College Campus


17th March ,2022


12:00 pm-1:30 pm

The objective of the event

·         Embrace the cultural celebration of Holi in an environmentally responsible and sustainable way.

·         Inform learners on the harmful effects that traditional Holi colors and excessive water use have on the environment.

·         Encourage the use of eco-friendly and natural colors to mitigate pollution in the environment.

·         Promote safe celebrations and encourage students to get involved in the festivities.



Outcomes of

the event:

·         The event effectively encouraged the use of eco-friendly, natural colors derived from organic materials, guaranteeing a happy Holi celebration with the least amount of environmental damage.

·         Instead of wasting water as is usually the case with traditional Holi celebrations, students eagerly participated in dry Holi activities.

·         Through the celebration of a traditional festival, the event gave students from various backgrounds a chance to join together and build cross-cultural understanding and unity.

·         The event was made more vibrant with a variety of entertaining activities, including as music, dancing, and the creation of eco-friendly colored rangolis, which allowed students to express their creativity and embrace the spirit of Holi.



 All students



All students




·      Celebration

Supportive Documents

SeminarReport and Attendance









Awareness Programme on Waste Management


Green Campus committee and Mira -Bhayander Municipal Corporation 


Seminar Hall, College Campus


4th February,2022


11:00 am onwards

The objective of the event

·         Educate students about the effects improper garbage disposal has on the environment.

·         Raise awareness of the importance of recycling and trash segregation.

·         Motivate learners to incorporate sustainable habits into their everyday life.

·         Encourage the college community to take the initiative to participate in trash management efforts.


Outcomes of

the event:

·         Students gained important knowledge about environmentally friendly trash management techniques from these seminars.

·         Students were able to share ideas, voice opinions, and seek clarification on waste management-related topics through lively discussions and Q&A sessions.

·         The practical method improved the students’ comprehension of waste management procedures.

·         To encourage students to take responsibility for their waste disposal behaviours, important messages about waste management were reinforced and information was distributed via posters, brochures, and visual aids.



 All students



All Students




·      Discussion

·      Power point presentation

Supportive Documents

SeminarReport and Attendance