
AY 2024-25

Activity:IIC 5.0 Calendar Activities
Activity level:Institution Innovation Council (IIC) of SLRTC
Title:Workshop on Prototype Design and Development
Organized by:Research & Development and IIC of SLRTDC
Venue:Seminar Hall



Time:10.15 am onwards
Objective of event:
  • To impart the participants useful knowledge and methods for designing and developing prototype
  • To improve participants capacity to recognise and resolve design issues that arise during the prototyping phase
  • To promote creativity and innovation by showcasing the repeated steps of developing a prototype.
Expected Outcomes of event 
  • Participants gained useful knowledge and methods for designing and developing prototypes.

·Creativity and innovation were promoted by demonstrating the iterative steps involved in prototype development.

·The session enhanced participants’ ability to identify and resolve design issues encountered during the prototyping phase.

Targeted Participants:Students & Faculty
Total Participants:50
Resource Person:

Mr. Gaurav Kumar (Director of Exampil)


Methodology used:Offline
Supportive DocumentsClick Here


Activity:Research and Development
Activity level:Interdepartmental
Title:How to Plan Start-up and Legal & Ethical Steps
Organized by:Research and Development & IIC of SLRTDC
Venue:Seminar Hall



Time:11.00 am onwards
Objective of event:
  • To understand the key steps involved in planning a startup
  • To explore various legal requirements and compliance issues that startups must address
  • To discuss ethical consideration in business practices and decision-making process
Expected Outcomes of event 
  • Participants gained a clear understanding of startup ecosystem and the critical steps required to launch a successful venture
  • Participants learned about the importance of legal compliance, including business registration, taxation and intellectual property protection
  • Participants were made aware of the ethical challenges that startups may face and how to address them positively


Targeted Participants:Students & Faculty
Total Participants:32
Resource Person:

Mr. Anand Sir Founder and CEO of Instaprep AI the Confidence App and super30


Methodology used:PPT
Supportive DocumentsClick Here
Activity:II 5.0 Calendar Activities.
Activity level:Institution Innovation Council (IIC) of SLRTDCC
Title:Acceleration/ Incubation Opportunities for students and faculties Early – Stage Entrepreneurs
Organized by:Department of Research  & Development and IIC of SLRTDC
Venue:Seminar Hall



Time:10.15 am onwards
Objective of event:

l   The seminars primary objective was to motivate the students and faculties for incubation.

l   To provide opportunities and information to students for necessary to move from theoretical concepts to real world business endeavors.

l   To build in that topic knowledge encourage participants to take on difficult tasks, conduct research and cultivate the capacity to challenge current technologies.

Expected Outcomes of event 

l   The primary objective of the seminar to encourage academics and students to look into incubation opportunities and was well met.

l   The fundamentals of incubation were clearly understood by the participants, as was the practical application of incubation.

l   The program gave learners Insightful understanding about the procedures involved in turning research ideas into successful enterprises, inspiring them to follow entrepreneurial dreams.

Targeted Participants:Students
Total Participants:62
Resource Person:Dr. Deven Shah, Principal of SLRTCE
Methodology used:PPT
Supportive DocumentsClick here