Faculty Development Program

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Activity level:Departmental
Title:Training programme on Excel and Advance Excel
Organized by:IQAC
Venue:College Campus
Date:6-1-2020 to 12-1-2020
Time:3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Objective of event:
  • To Ensure participants to understand Excel interface, navigation and understand basic functions and formulas.
  • To Teach participants to use Pivot tables and pivot charts and Advanced formulas (IFERROR, SUMIFS, INDEX-MATCH).
  • To Introduction to data validation and conditional formatting
  • To Teach participants data visualization techniques, Macros and VBA (Visual Basic Applications).


Expected Outcomes  of event :
  • Participants learned the fundamental of Excel
  • Participant learned basic functions and formulas  Excel
  • Participant Understand uses of Advance excel (IFERROR, SUMIFS, INDEX-MATCH)
  • Participants data visualization techniques, Macros and VBA (Visual Basic Applications).


Targeted Participants :Non-teaching staff
Total Participants:13
Resource Person:Prof. Neelesh Chaudhary
Methodology used:PPT
Supportive DocumentsReport
Activity level:Departmental
Title:NEP 2020 – Innovations, Startups & Incubations
Organized by:UGC – HRDC, Jai Narain University, Jodhpur, SLRTDC, Mumbai
Date:21st February 2022 to 26th February 2022
Time:9:00 AM to 5:30 PM
Objective of event:

·      To facilitate skilling, up skilling & re-skilling the learning process in lifelong learning.

·      To actively involve faculty & staff in innovation & entrepreneurship related activities.

·      To develop critical thinking skills to motivate students and faculties.

·      To promote pre-incubation and incubation facilities for nurturing innovations and start-ups.

·      To analyse and evaluate the various aspects & concepts of innovation and creativity.


Expected Outcomes  of event :

·         Participants learnt about the need of up-skilling, re-skilling process.

·         Participant understood about the various aspects & concepts of innovation and creativity.


Targeted Participants :Teaching Staff
Total Participants:40
Resource Person: 
Methodology used:PPT
Supportive DocumentsReport
Activity level:NA
Title:Progressive Improvement in Quality and Excellence
Organized by:IQAC
Venue:Seminar Hall, 2nd Floor, SLRTDC
Time:3.30 pm onwards
Objective of event:

To improve the quality of on-going NAAC endeavours undertaken by educational institutions.

To provide participants with comprehensive guidance and strategies to excel in NAAC related initiatives.

Expected Outcomes  of event :

Participants gained deeper understanding of quality parameters, assessment criteria and effective documentation practices.


Participants received comprehensive guidance on various aspects of NAAC work, including SSR, quality indicators, evidence based practices.


Participants were equipped with the necessary tools methodologies to streamline their NAAC endeavours and strive for excellence.

Targeted Participants :All Faculties
Total Participants:13
Resource Person:Dr. VishnukantChatpalli
Methodology used:PPT
Supportive DocumentsReport
Activity level:All Department
Title:15 Days Certificate Course on Research Methodology
Organized by:IQAC In collaboration with Research and Development Cell
Venue:Virtual Platform(Google Meet)
Date:20th March 2023 to 5th April 2023
Time:4:00 PM to 6 PM
Objective of event:

·      To develop an understanding of research design and methodology: The course will equip students with afundamental understanding of the various research designs and methodologies used in social science,science, and humanities research.

·       To enhance critical thinking skills: Students will be encouraged to think critically about researchproblems, identify potential biases or limitations, and develop research questions that are both relevantand feasible.

·       To learn data collection and analysis techniques: The course will cover various data collectiontechniques, such as surveys, interviews, and experiments, as well as data analysis techniques likedescriptive statistics and regression analysis.

·       To develop scientific writing and presentation skills: Students will learn how to write scientific researchproposals, reports, and manuscripts, as well as how to present their research findings in a clear andconcise manner.

·       Ethical considerations in research: Students will learn about the ethical considerations involved inconducting research with human participants or animals, including informed consent, confidentiality,and minimizing harm. They will also learn about the responsible conduct of research and the importanceof maintaining integrity in scientific research.

Expected Outcomes  of event :

·Describe and apply different research designs and methodologies used in social science, science, andhumanities research to formulate research questions and hypotheses.

· Evaluate and critique research studies, identify potential biases or limitations, and apply critical thinkingskills to analyze and interpret research findings.

· Demonstrate proficiency in data collection and analysis techniques, such as surveys, interviews,experiments, and statistical analysis, to generate and interpret research data.

· Develop scientific writing and presentation skills to communicate research findings clearly andconcisely in the form of research proposals, reports, and manuscripts.

· Identify ethical considerations involved in conducting research with human participants or animals,apply ethical principles, and maintain integrity in scientific research.

·Develop an understanding of the responsible conduct of research and professional standards,including the importance of collaboration, communication, and transparency in scientific research.

Targeted Participants :All the students and Faculties of all department
Total Participants:72
Resource Person:Dr. Pramila Kudva,Dr. Uttam Jadhav,Dr. Umesh Bhadade,Dr. Swati Rautela and many others.
Methodology used:


Group Discussion

Supportive Documents
Activity level:Non-teaching
Organized by:IQAC
Venue:College IT Lab
Date:7 -12-2021 to 13-12-2021
Time:10:30AM to 12:30 PM
Objective of event:

·         To Ensure participants are well-acquainted with the G-Suit ecosystem and its core applications.

·         To Teach participants to use Gmail for efficient email communication and organization.

·         To Enable participants to collaborate seamlessly on documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.

·         To Train participants in creating and analysing surveys and forms with Google Forms.

·         To Educate participants on essential security practices within G-Suit.

Expected Outcomes  of event :

·         Enhanced Capabilities in G-Suit

·         Improved Efficiency on uses of Gmail

·         Enhanced efficient email communication and organization

·         Improved capacity participants to collaborate seamlessly on documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.

Targeted Participants :Non-Teaching Staff
Total Participants:12
Resource Person:Asst. Prof. Rutika Malik
Methodology used:PPT
Supportive DocumentsReport
Title:Training programme on MCB
Organized by:IQAC
Date:26-11-2019 to 30-11-2019
Time:3 pm to 5 pm
Objective of event:

·         To Ensure participants to understand uses of MCB App in their tasks

·         To Teach participants how to use MCB App to manage staff and student’s attendance report

·         To Introduction them the various feature of MCB App such as Notification, Reports etc.


Expected Outcomes  of event :

·         Participants should learn to manage MCB effectively, Overview of MCB interface and navigation

·         Participants should learn how to manage and analyse active staff and inactive staff.

·         Participants should learn how to made daily biometric attendance report, staff biometric codes, staff monthly attendance.

·         Participants should  understandstaff attendance regulation etc.


Targeted Participants :Non Teaching Staff
Total Participants:5
Resource Person:Tejas Patil
Methodology used:PPT
Supportive DocumentsReport
Activity level:NA
Title:FDP on ICICI  Prudential Life Insurance
Organized by:IQAC
Venue:Seminar Hall, SLRTDC
Date:19 October 2018
Time:11 am onwards
Objective of event:

To give knowledge about how to make right  investment for lifetime.

To give awareness about the world money and finance

Expected Outcomes  of event :Participants gained knowledge about investment, managing money and key terminologies ofbanking domain.
Targeted Participants :All Faculties
Total Participants:12
Resource Person:Mr. Anand Vengulekar
Methodology used:PPT
Supportive DocumentsReport
Activity level:Departmental
Title:Soft Skill training programme
Organized by:IQAC
Venue:Online training
Date:12 -12-2022 to 17-12-2022
Time:3 pm onwards
Objective of event:

1.  To Enhanced Communication One of the central objectives of soft skills development is    to improve an individual’s ability to communicate effectively

2. To Improved Relationships Soft skills like empathy, conflict resolution, and teamwork are essential for building and maintaining positive relationships with colleagues, friends, and family members

3. To Personal Development Soft skills also play a significant role in personal growth, self-improvement, time management and adaptivity. Developing these skills can boost self-confidence, emotional intelligence, and overall well-being.

Expected Outcomes  of event :

1.Enhanced Capabilities in Communication:

2.Improved written and spoken communication.

3.Enhanced ability to present.

4.Enhanced capacity for hearing.

5.Improved capacity for cooperative teamwork in varied groups.

6.nhanced comprehension of interpersonal interactions and team dynamics.

7. Improved Capabilities as a Leader

8. Enhanced self-control and self-awareness.

9.Enhanced capacity for empathy and emotional awareness in others.

10. Building Relationships and Networking:


Targeted Participants : 
Total Participants: 
Resource Person:Dr. Sachin Surve
Methodology used:PPT
Supportive DocumentsReport
Activity level:Departmental
Title:Training programme on Tally
Organized by:IQAC
Date:2-9-2020 to 7-9-2020
Time:10:30AM to 12:30 PM
Objective of event:

·         To Ensure participants to understand uses of Tally in their tasks

·         To Teach participants how to maintain Balance Sheet and Profit &Loss account

·         To Introduction them knowledge of accounting principles and practices relevant to Tally, helping them maintain accurate financial records.


Expected Outcomes  of event :

·         Participants learn the fundamental concepts and features of Tally, including navigation, menu structure, and basic data entry.

·         Participant use financial transactions, such as sales, purchases, receipts, and payments, ensuring accurate and efficient data recording. etc.

Targeted Participants :Non-Teaching Staff
Total Participants:7
Resource Person:Mr. Nilesh Chaudhary
Methodology used:PPT
Supportive DocumentsReport
Activity level:NA
Title:FDP on Institutional Preparedness for NEP 2020
Organized by:IQAC
Venue:Seminar Hall
Date:7 -12- 2020
Time:1.30 pm
Objective of event:

To Familiarise faculty members with the key provisions, changes and implications of the National Education Policy 2020.


To Equip faculties with knowledge and insights to align teaching methodologies with the transformative reforms outlined in NEP- 2020.

Expected Outcomes  of event :

Enhanced understanding : Participants gained a comprehensive understanding of the key components of  NEP 2020


Pedagogical innovation : Insights from the sessions inspired faculties to explore innovative teaching methodologies

Targeted Participants :All Faculties
Total Participants:21
Resource Person:

Dr. SunitaVithalraoMagre

Dr. Reni Francis

Dr. KetakiSatpute

Dr. Rajashree Joshi

Methodology used:PPT
Supportive DocumentsReport







Interactive Session


Activity level:





CO PO Mapping and Attainment

Organized by:


Internal Quality Assurance Cell of SLRTDC in collaboration with SKLTDC




206 (Old Building), Shree L. R. Tiwari Degree College




9thOctober, 2021




01:00 pm


Objective of event:


To familiarize faculty members with the concepts of Course Outcomes (COs) and Program Outcomes (POs), and to facilitate the mapping and attainment process to ensure alignment with educational goals and accreditation standards.
Expected outcome:

Faculties will be able to get

·         Enhanced understanding of COs and POs among faculty members.

·         Improved ability to map COs to POs and assess attainment.

·         Development of strategies to integrate CO and PO mapping into course design and assessment practices.

·         Strengthened collaboration among faculty members to promote a culture of academic excellence and continuous improvement.

Targeted Participants:


All faculty members of Shree L.R. Tiwari Degree College


Total Participants:



Resource Person


Dr. Anju Arya
Methodology used:

1.      Powerpoint presentation.

2.      Presentation with notes and comments.

3.      Q & A Session


Supportive DocumentsClick Here







Interactive Session


Activity level:





National Webinar on New Education Policy : A Review

Organized by:


Internal Quality Assurance Cell of SLRTDC and Commerce Department on N.S.S College of Commerce and Economics




27thNovember, 2021




11:00 am


Objective of event:


To familiarize faculty members with the concepts and working of New Education Policy that will be implemented by HRD Ministry
Expected outcome:

Faculties will be able to get

·         Enhanced understanding of NEP 2020.

Targeted Participants:


All faculty members of Shree L.R. Tiwari Degree College


Resource Person


Prof. MandarBhanushe
Methodology used:

1.      Powerpoint presentation.

2.      Presentation with notes and comments.

3.      Q & A Session


Supportive DocumentsClick Here