IQAC Activities 2020-21

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Title:Training programme on MCB
Organized by:IQAC
Date:26-11-2019 to 30-11-2019
Time:3 pm to 5 pm
Objective of event:

·         To Ensure participants to understand uses of MCB App in their tasks

·         To Teach participants how to use MCB App to manage staff and student’s attendance report

·         To Introduction them the various feature of MCB App such as Notification, Reports etc.


Expected Outcomes  of event :

·         Participants should learn to manage MCB effectively, Overview of MCB interface and navigation

·         Participants should learn how to manage and analyse active staff and inactive staff.

·         Participants should learn how to made daily biometric attendance report, staff biometric codes, staff monthly attendance.

·         Participants should  understandstaff attendance regulation etc.


Targeted Participants :Non Teaching Staff
Total Participants:5
Resource Person:Tejas Patil
Methodology used:PPT
Supportive DocumentsReport
Activity level:NA
Title:FDP on Institutional Preparedness for NEP 2020
Organized by:IQAC
Venue:Seminar Hall
Date:7 -12- 2020
Time:1.30 pm
Objective of event:

To Familiarise faculty members with the key provisions, changes and implications of the National Education Policy 2020.


To Equip faculties with knowledge and insights to align teaching methodologies with the transformative reforms outlined in NEP- 2020.

Expected Outcomes  of event :

Enhanced understanding : Participants gained a comprehensive understanding of the key components of  NEP 2020


Pedagogical innovation : Insights from the sessions inspired faculties to explore innovative teaching methodologies

Targeted Participants :All Faculties
Total Participants:21
Resource Person:

Dr. SunitaVithalraoMagre

Dr. Reni Francis

Dr. KetakiSatpute

Dr. Rajashree Joshi

Methodology used:PPT
Supportive DocumentsReport