Library Services
We will NURTURE you with a TREASURE, the TREASURE of LEARNING that will keep with you everywhere.

Library Services
The library providing following services to its patrons.
A) User Orientation :
To acquaint the fresher with the library collection, services, and also the rules and regulations of the library, the Library organizes Library Orientation for the first-year students.
B) Reading Room :
Reading Room available with sitting Capacity of 60 students at a time. Reading room facility available strictly against the reading card and provided with Internet facility for Teachers and Students.
Reading Room available with sitting Capacity of 60 students at a time. Reading room facility available strictly against the reading card and provided with Internet facility for Teachers and Students.

C) Home Lending Facility :
Home lending facility available strictly against the Library Card only for one week. Students can borrow one book at a time. Issue returns transactions are fully computerize.
Home lending facility available strictly against the Library Card only for one week. Students can borrow one book at a time. Issue returns transactions are fully computerize.
D) Reference Service :
The library has a good collection of reference books we have oxford, Pearson, TMH, PHI, Cambridge, John Wiley & Sons publisher’s books for the students.
The library has a good collection of reference books we have oxford, Pearson, TMH, PHI, Cambridge, John Wiley & Sons publisher’s books for the students.

F) Internet Facilities :
Library provides free internet facility to the students as well as the staff. Also provided printing facility. Students can access only educational sites, not allowed access for Social networking.
Library provides free internet facility to the students as well as the staff. Also provided printing facility. Students can access only educational sites, not allowed access for Social networking.
G) Book Bank Facility :
Book Bank facility is available for socially & economically backward students, against Caste certificate. Students must return the books after each semester exam.
Book Bank facility is available for socially & economically backward students, against Caste certificate. Students must return the books after each semester exam.

H) News Paper Clipping File :
Online newspapers and online services based on newspapers are becoming increasingly popular and useful in current digital age. These services helped libraries in reaching out users wherever they are and also save time of the users. The newspaper clippings are also known as press clippings in some libraries.
Online newspapers and online services based on newspapers are becoming increasingly popular and useful in current digital age. These services helped libraries in reaching out users wherever they are and also save time of the users. The newspaper clippings are also known as press clippings in some libraries.
I) Periodicals/Magazines Service :
Library department provides the reading facility of magazines and journals subscribed by the library. Readers can use this facility and refer different subject’s knowledge.
Library department provides the reading facility of magazines and journals subscribed by the library. Readers can use this facility and refer different subject’s knowledge.

J) Digital Resource Section :
Library Department provides 10 workstations through Wi-Fi connection which users can access digital books, N-list, NDLI and various open resources in the library.
Library Department provides 10 workstations through Wi-Fi connection which users can access digital books, N-list, NDLI and various open resources in the library.
K) Suggestion Box :
Suggestion box invite you to share your suggestions. Suggestion Systems have become important. Students can suggest updating books, online databases, feedback about library services, Suggestions can help improve the services.
Suggestion box invite you to share your suggestions. Suggestion Systems have become important. Students can suggest updating books, online databases, feedback about library services, Suggestions can help improve the services.