Rules & Regulations

Eligibility Criteria:
- A student Passing the H. S. C. Examination conducted by the Maharashtra state board for secondary and higher secondary Education, Mumbai Divisional Board in the six subjects specified below is eligible for admission to the First year of the senior College in Arts/science/ Commerce course.
- Any one of the Modern Indian Languages (Marathi/Hindi etc. Or any one of the Modern European (French or German) or any one of the classical languages.
- Any four of the optional subjects for Art’s, science and commerce courses as specified by the H. S. C. Board, Pune.
Documents to be submitted with the application Form:
- At the time of admission board or the central board of secondary Education OR the Indian School certificate Examination or anything equivalent examination will be admitted on merit with production of
- Original Mark sheet for H. S. C examination with a photocopy thereof.
- College/school Leaving certificates or NOC
- Provisional/ Final Eligibility Certificate wherever necessary, and
- Any other certificate s that are deemed university.
- An ex-students of the college who had left the college to do the same or any other Course outside, and now desires to seek admission to the first year course in Art’s/science/commerce after passing the HSC examination from Mumbai Divisional Board, Will be treated as a new / fresh students (I.e. he will not been titled to the benefits of continuation in the college.)
- A student who passed the HSC examination in the science stream with minimum 2 of the subjects from the arts/science/Commerce group will be considered for admission to F. Y. B. A/F.Y.B.Com. as per the provision of the Mumbai University Certificate.
- The application of an overseas students for admission to the college Will be entertained only if it is forwarded with the recommendation letter of the Indian Diplomatic Mission in his/her country. Such application must be accompanied by
- The final school/college certificates examination,
- A testimonial from the principal of the school/college regarding the character of the applicant, and
- A provisional eligibility certificate issued by the University of Mumbai.
Rules for Discipline in the college:
- No one is allowed to enter the college premises without valid identity cards, displayed on a person or a valid pass for a specific purpose.
- SMOKING as well as taking an alcoholic drink or a forbid drug is PROHIBITED in the college promises. If any student is found smoking, drinking, taking drugs in the college, he will be summarily dismissed from the college.
- LOITERING in the corridors of the college is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If any student is found loitering in the corridors, he will be penalized.
- If any students enjoying the representation of the students at any level (particularly any students body) is caught using UNFAIR MEANS. The representation of such a student stands automatically cancelled forth with.
- During their free period, the students can utilize time for reading/writing/studying only.
- No students should mishandle the college property/furniture/fixtures/electrical gadgets etc.
- No function or meetings of any kind, under any circumstances, any where in the college of outside, shall be organized except with the prior permission of the principal.
- No disturbance of any kind is permitted in the college premises, spitting on the Floors and staircase, throwing of waste paper in the compounds as well as disfiguring the college wall and similar objectionable activities are strictly prohibited.
- Walkman and mobile phone are banned in the college premises.
- In matters of discipline, the principal’s decision will be final
- Ragging is completely prohibited in college premises. Those engaged in ragging will be severely published. Action will be taken against such students under the “Ragging prohibitions act, 1999”
- A minimum of 75% attendance in each term is necessary for keeping terms.
- Transfer certificate-an application for transfer certificate must be submitted though the principal of the principal of the college to which the students wishes to be transferred.
- Migration certificate-students migrating to other universities should note the following procedure for securing a migration certificate.
- They must submit their application in the printed from prescribed for the purpose by the University of Mumbai, which should be obtained directly from the registrar, university of Mumbai.
- The application for a migration must be accompanied by a separate application for a transfer certificate, which should be submitted to the principal, through the principal of the college in which students has taken admissions.
- Before applying for a migration certificate, transference certificate, students must clear all dyes outstanding in their name or account of college. library, laboratories, and gymkhana.
- Students joining the college are bound by the Rules and Regulations of the college. Students receiving a government or college scholarship or any remission in fees must note that the grant And Continuance thereof are subject to good behavior, regular attendances. satisfactory progress and good academic results at college and board. Matters not covered by the existing rules will rest at the absolute discretion of the principal. Parents are advised to inform the college shall tender all possible medical assistance to such students in case of any emergency, the college authorities will not be responsible for any unforeseen eventuality if, for any reason the continuance of a students in the college is, in the opinion of the principal detrimental to the best interest of the college, the principal may ask such a students to leave the college without assigning any reason thereof.
- Dress code
- Students are expected to wear appropriate clothes. Students should refrain from wearing the following in the college premises.
- Boys: caps. hats, half-pants, shorts, Bermudas, sleeves T-shirts and three fourth pants.
- Grit’s: caps, hats half-pants, shorts, Bermudas, skin tight and revealing dresses, short dresses or short skirts, sleeveless, short tops and pedal pushers.
- Facial piercing other than ear-rings and nose ring is strictly prohibited. Any other attire which, according to the college authorities is not suitable to the cultural/environment will not be permitted.
- B.M.S, BAF, B.B.I, B.Sc. (I.T.),B.Sc.(C.S.), B.A.M.M.C. students will be given uniform- pant (2Nos), short (2Nos), and Blazer (1Nos) from college which students have to compulsory week alternate 3days in a week and Compulsory to wear during viva exams, industrial visit, filed visit etc. as per the instruction from college.
- Ragging
- Ragging is strictly prohibited within and outside the college premises. Students indulging in ragging will be punished as per the Maharashtra Prohibition of Ragging Act, 1999 (Mah. XXXIII OF 1999) published in Maharashtra Govt. Gazette on 15th May 1999.
- Cell Phones
- use of cell phones in any form within the college premises is strictly prohibited. On breach of this discipline, the cell phone will be confiscated and retained in the custody of the Principal for five working days. In case of repetition by the student a penalty of Rs.500/- will be charged.
- Notice Board
- It is the responsibility of the student to read the Notice Board and College Website regularly for important announcements made by the college office from time to time. They will not be given any concession on grounds of ignorance.
- Industrial Visit
- Students will participate in the Industrial visits/ Excursion/ Study Tours at their own risk and will not hold the college responsible for any undue incidents or claim compensation for damages arising out of it.
- Attendance Circular No. 0-6086
- Every Bonafide learner shall ordinarily be allowed to keep terms for given semester in a program of enrolment, only on fulfilment of at least seventy five present (75%) of the attendance taken as an average of the total number of lecturers, practical, tutorials etc., wherein short and/ or long excursions/ field visits/ study tours organized by the college and supervised by the teachers as envisaged in the syllabus shall be credited to the attendance for the total number of periods which are otherwise delivered on the day/ days. Further it is mandatory for every learner to have minimum 50% attendance for each course and attendance for each course and average attendance has to be 75%.
- Leave of Absence
- In case students are not able to attend Lectures and/ or tutorials for a period exceeding a week in a term, they should inform the principal about such absence in advance.
- Absence form classes should be with prior intimation; in case it is due to unforeseen circumstances, an application duly supported by a medical certificate in the case of illness or duly supported by other satisfactory evidence in the case of other reasons, must reach the / Principal within a week of such absence.
A Student who is absent:
- On medical ground needs to:
- Submit an application addressed to the Principal seeking grant of leave on medical grounds along with a medical certificate issued by a registered medical practitioner for the period of absence. The application should be submitted to the Principal, within four days of resuming classes.
- For Participation and representation of the college in events:
- Such as Sports/ Cultural Events, should submit an application with evidence of participation and signature of staff-in charge of the activity
- For any other reason:
- Should submit an application stating the reason for absence with supporting documents if any for consideration of condonation of absence.
Transfer/ Migration
- Students seeking transfer from one college to another during the academic’s year are required to submit a Transference Certificate and the marksheet showing marks obtained at the earlier Semester conducted by the former college. In the event of a student getting transferred from one college to another within the University of Mumbai, the marks secured at the end of the first term examination in the original college, shall be binding on the college to which the lecturer transferred. Further a student migrating from another University to Mumbai University for joining the second-year course need not be required appear and pass First Year Examination of this University.
Transfer Certificate
- The College is entitled to charge a fee of Rs. 100/- for issuing the Transfer Certificate. When a student applies for a Transfer certificate after lapse of more then one vacation since he/ she last attend the College, the Principal, who issue the Transfer certificate may levy a fee of twenty rupees for each Semester that has lapsed since the applicant last attended the college, vided however, that the fee charged shall not exceed Rs. 120/- on the aggregate.
- It shall be necessary for a student leaving one college to join another, to have attended % of the lecturer/ during the Semester.
- A Transfer Certificate shall not be granted except for reasons which appear to be sufficient and except with the written permission of the Principal of the college which he/she intends to join. Application for Transfer certificate shall be made by – students without unnecessary delay through the principal of the College to which to they wish to be transferred.
Termination of Registration
- Students who register in the Semester but do intend to rejoin the college for the second term, must inform the Principal in writing in advance.
- Candidate who passed Diploma in Computer Engineering/ Computer Science/ Computer Technology/ Information Technology/ Electrical, Electronics & Video Engineering and allied branches/ Mechanical and allied branches, civil and allied branches of Engineering after S.S.C, (Xth Standard) is eligible for direct admission to the Second year of the B.Sc. (I.T.) degree course. However, the diploma should be recognized by the Board of Technical Education or any other recognized Government body. Minimum marks required are 45% aggregate for open category candidate and 40% aggregate for reserved candidates.
- Candidates with post HSC- Diploma in computer Engineering// Computer Science/ Computer Technology/ Information Technology and allied branches will be eligible for direct admission to the second year of B.Sc.(I.T.). However, the Diploma should be recognized by the Board of Technical Education or any other recognized Government body. Minimum marks required is 45% aggregate for open Category candidates and 40% aggregate for reserved category candidates.
- Eligible candidates will be admitted directly by the college in merit as per the schedule given by University Of Mumbai. Reservation of seats will be observed as per government rules.
Rules For Examination
Examination : Examination for semester and IV will be conducted by the College, on behalf of the University of Mumbai, at the end of each semester. Examination for the semester V and VI will be conducted by the university.
Use of Unfair Means
Consequence of unfair means at examinations:
Students are warned not to use any unfair means during the examinations. The College looks upon such acts very strictly. A student may stand to lose the academic year due t use of unfair means during the examination. It may also result in rustication.
Mobile phones or Electronic Date Storage Devices (EDSD)
Carrying the above on person by a student is treated as use of unfair means by the student at the examination and will invite strict disciplinary action even if the phone or EDSD is on silent mode or switched off. A mobile phone confiscated during any examination will not be returned to the student
The College does not take responsibility for the loss of any of the above nor would any representation by the student or her/his parents be entertained by the College authorities.
Processing the case of Unfair Means & consequences:
- Students alleged to have used unfair means are required to appear before an Unfair Means Inquiry Committee (UMIC)
- Students who have used unfair means are informed to appear before the UMIC vide a letter from the College with details about the date and venue to meet the UMIC when the student has to give an explanation.
- The students are required to bring with them an application addressed to the Principal, alleged us of Unfair Means
- During the meeting the students have to answer the queries raised by the committee member, so as to allow the committee to ascertain facts.
- The students are given a chance to explain their case to the Committee during the meeting. 6) If the student fails to report for an enquiry, ex party decision will be binding on her/him.
- The decision of the Committee which may be punishment and penalty, will be communicated to the students vide a letter.
- Depending upon the decision of the Unfair Means Inquiry Committee, the students have to collect a copy of the result as notified.
- Students using unfair means at any examination shall not be re-admitted to the college.
The directives of Mumbai University should be followed by students wishing to apply for Revaluation of papers. This may be done manually or by using the online mode, as the case may be.
Credit Based Evaluation System
The Performance of the learners will be evaluated at the Semester End Examination carrying 100 marks for all the subjects except Foundation course. The Foundation Course paper will be evaluated in two components. On component will be the Internal Assessment Component carrying 25% marks (Project) and the second component will be the Semester End Examination component carrying 75% marks.
Semester End Examination – 100 Marks
Duration: These examinations shall be of 3 hours.
Passing Standard
The learners to pass a course shall have to obtain the minimum of 40% marks in aggregate for each course in all subjects except Foundation Course.
In the subject of Foundation course, the learner shall have to maintain of 40% marks (i.e. 10 out of 25) in project work and 40% marks in the semester End Examination (i.e. 30 out of 75) separately to pass. A learner will be said to have passed in the subject if the learner passes the Internal Assessment (Project Work) and Semester End Examination together.
A.T.K.T. Rules
- A candidate shall be allowed to keep terms for Semester II irrespective of number of heads of failures in Semester l.
- A candidate shall be allowed to keep terms for Semester III if he/ she passes Semester I & Semester Il Or if he/she fails in not more than two theory papers of Semester I & Semester Il taken together when the total does not exceed 200.
- A student shall be allowed to keep term for Semester IV irrespective of number of heads of failure in Semester Ill. However, the student has to pass each of Semester I & II to appear for Semester IV.
- A candidate shall be allowed to keep terms for Semester V if he/ she passes in each of Semester l, Il, Ill and IV OR if he/ she passes Semester i & Semester II and fails in not more than two theory papers of Semester Ill & Semester IV taken together.
- A candidate shall be allowed to keep terms for Semester VI irrespective of number of heads of failure in the Semester V.
- The result of Semester Vi shall be kept in abeyance until the student passes each of Semester l, Il, Semester IV and Semester V.