Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting & Finance

Programme Outcomes (POs)
BAF bg element
  • PO 1:  Knowledge Ability to gain and apply knowledge of principles, concepts and theories in different areas of Accounting and Finance to demonstrate knowledge and understanding in diverse subjects that enables students to understand fundamentals of accounting, taxation, costing, financial management, auditing, management accounting etc. and apply it to their workplace.
  • PO 2 : Critical Thinking Acquire the ability to apply basic views of logical thoughts, actions and develops the self-critical abilities, Analysing ability and the abilities to view positions, problems and social issues from plural perspective and compare it with real business scenario.
  • PO 3: Innovation and Creative Thinking To encourage entrepreneurial and business culture through innovations and creative thinking that develops attitude to provide solutions to the problems in the business world as well as address the needs of the society and it motivates students to pursue higher studies like Chartered Accountancy, Cost Accountancy, MBA in Finance, Company Secretary, M.Com in Accountancy, ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) etc.
  • PO 4: Effective Communication, Interpersonal Skill and Social Skill Develops effective interpersonal skills and display efficient verbal, non-verbal and written communication and acquire ability to use appropriate media to speak, read, write and listen effectively with all stakeholders and learn to articulate, analyse, synthesise and evaluate ideas and situation in well informed manner.
  • PO5 : Interdisciplinary and life long learning Perceives knowledge as an organic , comprehensive, interrelated and integrated faculty of human minds which develops aesthetic, social humanistic and artistic sensibilities for problem solving and understanding the issues of environmental context in all disciplines and It motivates students to do lifelong learning and research work in the field of finance.
  • PO6 : Employability Skills Exhibits employability skills like problem solving skills, decision making skills interpersonal skills, soft skills, leadership skill, financial skills, IT skills to be an employable citizens of the country.
  • PO7: Environmental Consciousness and Sustainability Learns to participate in nation building by adhering to the principles of sovernity of nation, develop the practice on gender sensitive attitudes, environmental awareness, and empathetic social awareness and analyse the business issues and action that have an impact on environment consciousness and sustainability.
  • PO8: Ethics Understand and recognise the value system, moral dimensions and self-responsibility for nation and society. Demonstrates personal, intellectual integrity and academic accountability and develops an ability to understand and apply professional ethics.