
Research is the cornerstone of knowledge; it creates cutting-edge facilities, encourages research publications, fosters partnerships, and becomes a part of a vibrant community that supports the mission’s goals.

Research policies are dynamic and change over time to address developing ethical issues, shifting social requirements, and shifting research environments. They are essential to the development of the research ecosystem, the advancement of scientific excellence, and the advancement of society through the production of new information and innovations. Here are the expectations for responsible and ethical behaviour for all study participants.

Integrity and professionalism, justice and equity, and intellectual honesty must be displayed. Conflicts of interest or possible conflicts of interest must be managed effectively and honestly.

Researchers are urged to refer to the mandated rules and standards pertaining to research integrity and utilise them as a resource
Researchers are encouraged to record and publish their techniques and results in ways that are open to examination and discussion.

The research policy aims to foster a research culture among its faculty, staff, and students and use it to enrich and improve professional competence by: fostering a scientific mindset and research aptitudes in all students; providing the necessary resources and facilities for efficient research; strengthening the institutional capacity for research;

The research policy aims to create and support a research culture among its staff and students and leverage it for enriching and enhancing the professional competence by Developing and promoting scientific temper and research aptitudes of all learners

Providing the required resources and appropriate facilities for smooth conduct of Research Strengthen the institutional capacity for planning, budgeting and control all the research.